Papillomas on the body can appear at any age. Most often they appear on areas of the body, the skin of which is the most delicate and prone to irritation – under the armpits, on the neck, under the breasts, in the inguinal folds. People often ignore the causes of such neoplasms on the skin, but this approach to the problem is not correct.

Today, will tell you why papillomas appear on the human body, whether they are contagious, in what cases they appear most often, whether they are dangerous and whether their appearance can be prevented.

Papillomas on the body – causes of neoplasms

As mentioned above, no one is immune from the appearance of papillomas on the body. Such neoplasms arise as a result of human papillomavirus entering the body, under the influence of which epithelial cells develop into papillomas.

The sizes of papillomas are quite diverse – from barely noticeable formations the size of a poppy seed to papillomas the size of a cherry. As for the color of papillomas on the body, it can vary from flesh to dark brown. Papillomavirus affects not only humans, but also animals, and it is very easy to become infected with it, since the transmission of this virus is carried out in the following ways:

  • contact-household (by sharing washcloths, towels, clothes and other items of a person infected with the virus);
  • sexual (the more often a person changes sexual partners, the higher the chance of catching papillomavirus);
  • generic (transmission from mother to child at birth).

It is worth noting that the virus that provokes the appearance of papillomas on the body may not appear for many years, but under favorable conditions it activates and leads to the appearance of the above neoplasms on the skin. Conditions favorable for the virus are:

  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • frequent stress and depression;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.


Types of papillomas on the body and their danger

Dermatologists distinguish between many types of papillomas, the most common of which are the following:

  • simple;
  • flat;
  • plantar;
  • filamentous;
  • spiky.

Despite the fact that papillomas on the body – benign formations, the presence of papillomavirus in the body can be dangerous, since some of its types are highly oncogenic.

Papillomavirus is more dangerous for women because it can lead to cervical erosion, increasing the risk of cancer. If papillomas appear in the genital area, the patient experiences discomfort, such neoplasms can significantly impair the quality of sexual life.

The danger of papillomas on the body also lies in the fact that they are quite easy to damage during shaving, while wearing clothes, as well as any other mechanical injuries. This increases the risk of infection and the transformation of such benign formations into malignant ones.

Taking into account the danger of papillomas, dermatologists recommend not to delay their removal. First of all, of course, you need to contact a dermatologist who will diagnose and determine the type of papillomavirus.

Methods for removing papillomas on the human body

Removal of papillomas on the human body is carried out by:

  • cryolysis;
  • laser removal;
  • thermocoagulation;
  • chemical attack;
  • radiosurgical methods.

After the diagnosis, the doctor may also prescribe drugs that increase the activity of the immune system and help suppress the reproduction of papillomavirus. Complex treatment in this case is considered the most effective approach, and self-treatment will not only not bring the desired results, but can also aggravate the situation. 

Read also: "How to get rid of papillomas quickly and safely"

As for preventing the appearance of papillomas on the body, for this it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, observe hygiene rules, do not use other people's things, be careful when visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools and other similar places, treat diseases in a timely manner, practice protected sex, see a doctor regularly.

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