Unlike Western countries, in the CIS, sex education lessons are still not included in the school curriculum. Somewhere their inclusion in the school curriculum is in the plans, but somewhere it is not even discussed at all by the ministries of education. Yes, and nothing surprising: despite the fact that the 21st century is in the yard, even for many parents this topic seems shameful and taboo.
As a result, adolescents during puberty have nowhere to get information, except for the Internet and yard gossip – it’s unusual to talk about this with parents, school teachers have long been no longer perceived as mentors with whom you can talk heart to heart. What myths about the sexual education of adolescents and children need to be dispelled in our society in order for the situation to change – read in the material estet-portal.com.
Debunking myths about sex education for teenagers and children
Now in the current situation there is little joy. Having picked up on the Internet information, to put it mildly, of dubious quality, adolescents grow up into people who are poorly versed in contraception, not too selective in sexual relations (which increases the exponential incidence of HIV), and often shock parents with early pregnancy.
Meanwhile, most of the responsibility lies with parents who cannot overcome false modesty and speak frankly with their child in order to avoid many problems in the future. After all, even in the minds of adult reasonable people there are often a lot of stereotypes and myths surrounding the topic of sexual education of children.
These same myths envelop the possibility of introducing appropriate school education. Many teachers (as well as parents) are sure that there is no place for such conversations in school and in general, they say, such conversations will lead to an increase in promiscuity.
Therefore, we suggest sorting through the myths about the sexual education of adolescents and separating the "wheat from the chaff".
1. Why teach something that is so natural?
Apparently, if this myth were true, then early pregnancies and sexual diseases in our society would be much less than today.
Moreover, the course of sexual literacy is aimed not at the subtleties of what is "natural and not ugly", but at more mundane and important issues.
Among them are the structure and functioning of the body, the use of contraceptives to protect not only from pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted infections, the psychology of sex (how to define your own and others' boundaries and respect them) and conflict situations in sex (actions in case of coercion, blackmail, etc.).
After all, the psychological well-being of your child in life will depend not on successfully passed school exams, but on such knowledge acquired during puberty for life.
And it is really not easy for our current rising generation: on the one hand – mass culture, thoroughly saturated with sexual overtones, from which children draw a model of behavior, on the other hand – "silent defense" schools and parents who don't want to talk about sex and don't teach safe behavior to children.
2. The generation of parents somehow lived without sex education, so why won't this generation live? this sad rating. And you know what else is really scary? Since it is not customary in our country to take HIV tests every year, about 40% of infected women only find out about their positive status during pregnancy and give birth to already sick children.
It is also very sad when the older female generation proves to their daughters that contraceptive pills should never be taken in their lives, because "hair will grow all over the body", and fathers teach their sons that a condom "reduces sensations" or "kills desire." These are not stories, this is our sad reality.
A common fear of parents. Like, if my child is taught about sex at school from an early age, what if this will push him to start doing it early?
Actually, this is where the theory of the forbidden fruit comes into play, which ceases to be sweet as soon as it ceases to be forbidden. As statistics from Western countries show, sex education, on the contrary, helps to delay the onset of sexual activity. And, in any case, even if contacts do take place, he will teach the young couple to protect themselves.
Besides, in the modern world, cases of pedophilia are not uncommon, and sex education lessons will help children learn to recognize the forbidden actions of adults and not be afraid to seek help.
Numerous sociological studies have shown that adolescents raised in families where parents calmly talk about sex with their children use condoms more often in the future and are more selective in choosing sexual partners.
At the same time, parents do not need special knowledge here – just the desire and ability to take the first step towards your child. However, alas, not all children are so lucky with savvy parents. In many families of the CIS countries, conversations on sexual topics are still strictly tabooed for various reasons - the tightness and constraint of parents, the employment of parents (especially in single-parent families), who allegedly simply "have no time" about such "trifles" reason, religious considerations, parental tyranny in the style: "Only prostitutes wear short skirts." But there are still orphans, whose sexual literacy simply has no one to deal with.
And just a competent course of school sexual education would solve all these problems. After all, to give such a proper education to children – it means to raise adults out of them, who in the future will also not be afraid to speak frankly with their offspring.
Remember: Teen Sex Education – it is not an inducement to licentious behavior. This is to enable children to prevent unpleasant situations in the future or be able to cope with troubles that have already arisen, to teach teenagers to calmly talk about important things and feel harmonious in the adult world.
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