Raising a child – a long road that promises a lot of difficulties. On what parents put into the hearts and minds of their children at an early age depends the whole future life of their children. Often all efforts go down the drain due to misunderstanding, which results in mutual claims and reproaches. Everyone wants his child to see him first of all as a friend, but, unfortunately, only a few manage to fulfill such a desire. In this article, we will talk about how an ordinary parent differs from a wise parent.

7 differences between a normal and a wise parent

  1. An ordinary parent is sure that all his free time should be completely devoted to the child, while he relegates his interests to the background.

A wise parent is able to take care of himself, and he teaches his children to do the same.

  1. The typical parent spends evenings doing their child's homework.

A wise parent in raising a child adheres to the following strategy: the child is completely responsible for the completed and unfulfilled tasks himself and is responsible for this.

  1. The average parent tries to atone for guilt by using various gifts and cash.

A wise parent regularly gives the child pocket money, which he must learn to distribute in such a way as to independently purchase certain things and toys that are not included in the family budget.

  1. The normal parent does not try to figure out why the child is misbehaving, it is enough for him to eliminate the misbehavior at the moment.

A wise parent tries his best to listen to the child in order to understand what is behind his bad behavior and how to help him.

  1. An ordinary parent, when raising a child, aims to grow a worthy person out of him.

A wise parent does everything to build a close relationship with their child.

  1. An ordinary parent raises a child in an atmosphere of permissiveness, allowing him to sit on his neck.

A wise parent realizes that he has every right to personal space, hobbies and time spent without a child. He respects both his own boundaries and those of his child.

  1. The average parent tries to keep their child safe from all the hardships of life, which is why he does even what he is not asked to do.

A wise parent allows a child to make mistakes, and then discusses with him or her what a positive lesson can be learned from the situation.

In raising a child, the first place is always the love that you give to your child. The most valuable thing in family relationships – absolute trust, and with it we reward only those who do not prevent us from following our path and help with wise advice when we occasionally stumble and get bumps.

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