While lip contouring is one of the most popular procedures and client requests, there are a huge number of myths and misconceptions among patients. Cosmetologist Anna Stasiuk dispels all common fears and myths about lip augmentation with filler on estet-portal.com, talks about contraindications to the injection procedure, the features of the use of anesthesia and how not to make a mistake in choosing fillers, and also shares recommendations before and lip care after contouring.
Popular myths about lip augmentation with fillers
A. С.: The lip augmentation procedure with a filler is absolutely safe, but as any other procedure, it has a number of contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, lip injuries, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
If you have bruises or bruises after the procedure, you should not worry, as this is an injection during which we injure the vessels with a needle.
A. S.: Don't plan your lip augmentation before important events. It's better to give yourself a couple of days to rehab. The important point is correct preparation for lip contouring: 2 hours before the procedure, I advise you not to drink anything hot, not to play sports – reduces the risk of bruising.
How not to become a victim of beauty: myths and truth about lip augmentation with filler
A. S.: After the procedure, proper lip care is also important: do not drink hot water for 2 hours, do not visit saunas and baths, use special ointments. Usually bruises and bruises resolve within a week.
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A. S.: Many girls complain about the appearance of "white pimples" after lip contouring. on the lips. These may be lumps that have formed due to violation of the injection technique, or the filler itself has migrated. Don't worry – such problems are easily solved with hyaluronidase enzyme. It is an enzyme that dissolves hyaluronic acid.
A. S.: After the procedure, there may be a slight swelling, but after a couple of days, the lips will return to their normal state. It can also be Fordyce granules, which appear on the mucous membrane on the inside of the lip and after lip augmentation become more noticeable.
Fordycey granules: pathology or normal variant
A. S.: A common request from patients is to share one syringe between two people.
This is taboo. One syringe – one person.
A. S: It's not safe. If one ml is too much for you, then we take a 0.6 ml syringe in the line JUVÉDERM® there are excellent fillers JUVÉDERM ® Volift, JUVÉDERM® Smile. If the patient came for the first time, he is very worried, suddenly he does not like the form, we can seal the drug and leave 0.2-0.3 ml in the refrigerator for additional correction.
Hyaluronic acid lip correction: natural result
A. S.: A popular question from girls: is it possible to do lip contouring with braces? Can. We always warn that with braces the lips get a little bigger, so first I recommend putting braces, then we do lip correction with filler. Of course, it is ideal to make a correction after removing the braces.
Choosing a filler for lip contouring
A. S.: I choose fillers JUVÉDERM® — they are registered and certified market leaders who have gone through all stages of purification and research. Such fillers are well integrated into the tissues and after 2 weeks the patient will not feel that there is something in the lips. JUVÉDERM® products retain their effect for a long time: for example, the Ultra line lasts up to 12 months, Volift – up to 18 months.
The preparations are suitable both for young women who want more volume, and for older women for a more gentle delicate correction.
A. S.: In fillers JUVÉDERM® The syringes are also very handy: they don't require much pressure to release the hyaluronic acid.
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A. S.: In my practice I use all types of anesthesia: I apply anesthesia cream for 10-15 minutes on the lips under the film, which dulls the sensitivity. Also in all fillers JUVÉDERM® there is high-quality lidocaine that does not burn, does not hurt when injected, providing a comfortable procedure.
Lip augmentation with filler: what everyone needs to know
A. S.: Thick fillers I use when a girl comes with good voluminous lips and wants to achieve clear contours.
A. C.: JUVÉDERM® Ultra 3 is great for getting good volume and definition as it doesn't clump and sits well in fabrics. For thin lips dense filler is not suitable – this is a myth: the filler will be felt and can migrate.
A. S.: There are such people – "hyaluronic acid scavengers", which quickly loses the effect of hyaluronic acid. In this case, you need to choose better drugs with a long-term effect. For example, JUVÉDERM® Volift.
Thanks to unscrupulous specialists, confusion, misconceptions and fears arise about lip contouring. It is very important to know all the pitfalls that you can expect, especially in medicine if you are in the role of a patient. Choose trusted doctors who you will have no reason not to trust, and you can feel completely safe in seeking a result.
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