Every woman dreams of having luxurious and well-groomed hair. To achieve this effect will help not only expensive salon procedures, but also proper, balanced nutrition. To make hair grow shiny and silky, you need to use vitamins. In this case, it is not necessary to buy vitamin complexes sold in a pharmacy. Hair growth products can be purchased at the grocery store. They contain substances that promote hair growth and strengthening. Choosing the right products will help strengthen curls, give them shine, and prevent them from falling out. This does not mean that a single use of healthy products will solve all problems. However, their regular presence in the diet can change the situation by eliminating the appearance of dandruff, brittleness, and providing hair with health and beauty. Together with estet-portal.
Products for hair growth: sea fish and seafoodSea fish, especially its fatty varieties (salmon, trout, flounder, hake, pollock, sardine, mackerel, etc.), contain protein, vitamin A, D and E, and Omega 3 in excess. These vitamins are necessary for proper hair growth. Thanks to Omega 3, not only the condition of the curls improves, but also the scalp.
In addition, trying to become the owner of a chic hairstyle, you need to eat products for hair growth, such as seafood. They contain a lot of protein, which, as you know, is essential for the growth and health of curls. The basis of human hair is protein (about 70%), so seafood contributes to the regular replenishment of these reserves.
Hair health: dairy products are indispensable for beautiful hair
Hair health always depends on nutrition. Without exception, dairy and sour-milk products are indispensable for beautiful hair. The main advantage of such products is calcium, the content of which in milk is very high. They also contain phosphorus, sulfur and potassium, which help to add shine. These products contain casein and whey, which are the source of such a valuable protein for hair.
Dairy products contain pantothenic acid, which gives curls brightness and rich color. This ingredient is often used in the production of skin care products.
Fermented milk products are also useful, as they are rich in probiotics, which enhance the human immune defense and promote better absorption of B vitamins.
Hair Growth Products: Any Nuts Will Improve Your Hairstyle
Nuts – excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are also rich in vitamin E, zinc, biotin. Deficiency of these elements in the body leads to their Hair Health: Carrot – essential hair product
Carrots are known to every person due to their high content of For better absorption of vitamin A and beta-carotene, carrots should be cooked and consumed with fats (such as vegetable oil) or proteins (such as dairy products).
Foods for hair growth: include legumes in your diet
Vegetables of the legume family are also known as beneficial foods for hair growth. The use of such vegetables strengthens the hair structure, reducing fragility. Beans contain a large amount of vegetable protein, which tends to be easily absorbed by the body, as well as zinc and iron. These vegetables include peas, beans, lentils, etc. Experts recommend adding such foods to the diet in the amount of 3 – 4 glasses per week. Legumes are useful in any form. They can be used in soups, side dishes, added to salads, and even eaten as a meal on their own.
Healthy hair: soy will ensure hair growth
Soy is 40% protein. Such a product does not contain cholesterol, as well as harmful hormones that are found in meat. That is why soy protein is more easily absorbed by the body. It is not in vain that vegetarians regularly consume soy to avoid protein deficiency.
Hair health is directly affected and improved if there is soy. The vitamin and mineral composition of soy also includes many other valuable substances necessary for proper hair growth. These include vitamins B, D and E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, unsaturated fatty acids and many others. The most popular is soy meat, as well as soy sauce.
Products for hair growth, such as the well-known eggs, which are regularly consumed by almost everyone, are no less beneficial for hair health. Therefore, one should not underestimate such a product, and even more so, refuse it. Eggs contain a lot of protein, as well as vitamins B12, biotin, selenium, sulfur and many valuable elements that are important for the health and beauty of curls. The use of such a product enhances growth, reducing the amount of damage, and also increases the synthesis of collagen, due to which, the hair grows stronger, their elasticity increases.
Eggs cooked in any form are beneficial: boiled, fried, as part of various dishes.
Products for hair growth: poultry meat promotes the absorption of vitamins
This affordable poultry meat is important for proper growth. This indispensable product contains protein, the lack of which is reflected in your hair. Iron, which is also rich in poultry meat, is easily absorbed by the body, contributes to the improvement of the structure. Fats in the composition of such meat help vitamins to be more easily absorbed in the body. turkeys;
• chicken;
• quail;
• ducks;
• goose;
• ostrich.
Recommended intake of poultry meat in order to keep hair healthy – 3 to 5 times a week, 50 g per day.
Hair health: green vegetables all year round
Such vegetables include:
• spinach;• broccoli;
• cauliflower;
• leaf beet;
• green onion;
• lettuce;
• dill;
• parsley.
Vitamins and minerals in green vegetables are balanced in such a way that they help protect hair from various adverse factors.
Properly selected diet – the basis for the growth of beautiful and strong curls. Eating these 9 healthy hair products will help strengthen your hair structure, making it smooth, shiny and silky.
See also:
Vitamin H: an important coenzyme for hair beauty and skin health
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