Как появляется ранняя седина и можно ли с ней справиться

Far from  always, graying of hair can indeed be considered early. Do not rush to diagnose yourself, read the facts. According to  statistics, in representatives of the Caucasoid or Mongoloid race, the first white strands appear after 30, and  Negroid — after 40 years. Early gray hair — the one that appeared in 20-25 years. The rest — within the normal range. Fighting  early gray hair is difficult, but still possible if you understand the causes of hair bleaching.

How are early gray hair and  life expectancy

For a long time it was believed that gray hair — a clear sign of the irreversible aging process of the body. It is a myth. Trichologists conducted a study to determine whether early gray hair is dangerous and whether it indicates decrepitude. A direct connection between early gray hair and other signs of aging has not been identified. White hairs do not at all mean that soon you will have wrinkles on the face and pigmentation spots on hands.

There is no direct connection between gray hair and life expectancy — good news. But it's too early to relax, because melanocyte cells don't stop working properly without a reason. So premature bleaching of hair may indicate diseases that may affect your well-being and quality of life.

What changes occur in hair with melanin loss

Melanin is responsible for hair color, which produces a separate type of cell — melanocytes. The same substance makes hair strong, elastic, protects from adverse environmental factors. If the function of melanocytes is disturbed, the color, structure and properties of the hair change. Strands may begin to curl or tangle. Hair becomes brittle, brittle, hard. Often the ends begin to split.

The situation is aggravated if, in a panic, you start pulling out gray hairs. You can damage the hair follicles, provoke the appearance of dermatitis. The saddest thing is that painful manipulations will not lead to the desired result: the new hair will still grow gray.

Read also: Why hair turns gray: the main causes of gray hair

7 common causes of early gray hair

The main reason is obvious — it's genetics. If parents have early silver strands, children should expect the same. It is useless to fight with hereditary early gray hair, it can only be masked. Even slowing down the appearance of new colorless hairs is unlikely to succeed.

There are other factors of early graying, and here you can try to stop the process:

  1. Nervous experiences. Stress negatively affects the production of many hormones. It is also capable of disrupting the functions of melanocytes.

  2. Iron deficiency anemia. It is caused by unhealthy diet, heavy menstruation, childbirth, blood loss.

  3. Depletion of the body of pregnant and nursing women.Mom may not have enough nutrients for two — yourself and your baby. It is especially difficult for the body if a woman gives birth to the next child without recovering from the previous one.

  4. An unbalanced diet. Diets, veganism, and other restrictions should be approached very carefully. It is important that foods provide enough vitamins and micronutrients.

  5. Diseases. Early gray hair — a good reason to undergo a comprehensive examination. It can signal problems with the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and thyroid gland. Sometimes premature gray hair appears in patients with diabetes.

  6. Smoking. Heavy smokers constantly experience oxygen starvation. The whole body suffers, including hair. This is a common cause of early gray hair in men, but women are at almost the same risk.

  7. Taking certain medications. There are medications that can cause graying. These are chloroquine, phenylthiourea, rezoquin, hydrocholon.

Tip: If you s gray hair much earlier than your parents, don complete a full medical examination. There may be serious problems that you don not yet suspect. Also carefully analyze the diet and give up bad habits.

Read also: How to prevent brittleness and gray hair

What can be done for prevention and treatment

Let's make a reservation right away, there is no effective treatment for early gray hair yet. The process is irreversible. Some hope is given by the recent discoveries of geneticists, who discovered the genes responsible for the production of melanin, and put successful experiments on mice. Perhaps a cure will appear, but so far the only way — try to slow down the process of hair bleaching. The following recommendations will help you with this:

  • Learn to relax. Stress doesn paint anyone. They can really cause early aging, so learn to cope with difficulties without panic and depression. Sleep well.

  • Adjust your diet. Make sure your menu contains foods rich in proteins, iron, zinc, copper, vitamins B, A, C, E. Eat more meat and dairy products, seafood, nuts and mushrooms. We also need vegetables, fruits, herbs.

  • Take vitamins in autumn and spring.You can take vitamins A, C, E and folic acid separately, but it more convenient to buy a balanced complex. Vitrum, Lady's formula, Doppelhertz, Femicod have proven themselves well, but there are many other worthy analogues. Ideally, the complex should be selected by a trichologist.

  • Keep bad habits.This is not up for discussion. You need oxygen, and alcohol and nicotine steal it from you. Instead of a smoke break, it's better to take a walk in the fresh air, do some exercises.

  • Make nourishing masks and massage your scalp. Choose formulations that improve the condition of weakened, brittle, split ends. Well suited masks with & nbsp; sesame, olive, castor oils, onions, honey, lemon, cottage cheese, pepper.

  • Try hardware techniques. Consult a trichologist. You may benefit from laser, ultrasound therapy, darsonvalization or plasmolifting. They will not return the hair to its former color, but they will slow down the appearance of new gray hair.

Coping with gray hair is difficult, but there are simple ways to cover it up with hair dye and stylish haircuts. Most importantly, choose compositions on a natural basis. They will not only hide bleached strands, but also strengthen the hair, improve its structure.

Read also: Early gray hair is no longer a problem: effective home remedies will help

The main thing about prevention and treatment of early gray hair

Try not to get upset about the appearance of gray hairs. In the end, this is a natural process, predetermined by human development. With every year you get older, wiser, more conscious about life. Gray hair, even early, is not a tragedy at all. Take it as an occasion to contact a good stylist, choose a new look.

To slow down the appearance of new gray strands, follow these simple rules:

  • go through a medical examination, it is not superfluous;

  • give up bad habits, make an informed choice in in favor of a healthy lifestyle;

  • meticulously analyze the diet and develop a healthy menu for yourself;

  • watch your hair, pamper your hair with nourishing masks, vitamins, cosmetic procedures;

  • Give preference to high-quality natural-based dyes.

Life goes on! Don don worry about the changes in your body and enjoy every day. This, by the way, will have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

Read also: Grey hair: sharing myths and truth

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