Being beautiful, healthy and well-groomed is the dream of every woman. This concept must necessarily include not only the general condition of the body, but also the intimate health of a woman. If the health of the intimate zone is normal, then in sex and in everyday life she will feel like a queen. This is one of the most important factors for feeling confident. Also, regular examinations by a gynecologist will help prevent or timely diagnose the development of various female diseases. What should a woman take into account?
What is the intimate health of a woman connected with?
The basic rule for a woman in this matter is a regular medical examination by a gynecologist. Once every six months is the law. A healthy microflora of the vagina, unfortunately, is not a very common occurrence in the active rhythm of life. This is due to many factors of modern civilization:
- bad environmental conditions,
- constant stressful situations,
- taking antibiotics,
- running inflammatory processes not only in the intimate area, but also in other organs,
- promiscuous sex.
Unfortunately, without an examination by a specialist and the results of the tests necessary for this, you cannot determine the degree of your intimate health.
Required Intimate Hygiene Rules
The basis of a healthy intimate area is its constant hygiene. To do this, you need to give preference only to special detergents that are designed only for this area. All the rest can cause unpleasant consequences, up to an allergic reaction, confirms Also use a separate towel for this part of the body, so as not to bring pathogenic bacteria and fungal infections there. Washing should be carried out at least 2 times a day.
During your menstrual cycle, try not to take baths or swim in pools. It is also better to protect yourself from sexual relations with a partner. Pads and tampons should be changed at least every 2-3 hours. Be wary of everyday pads. You should not use them on an ongoing basis, take breaks, because the skin in the intimate area is quite delicate, and fragrances and synthetic fibers can cause irritation on it.
In order not to disturb the microflora of the vagina, do not use douching for prophylactic purposes. Their constant use will not bring you any benefit, but will only wash out the beneficial bacteria from the vagina. Do this only as prescribed by the doctor and with the means indicated by the specialist.
Be sure to change your underwear every day. Try to stay away from synthetics. In such underwear, the skin does not breathe, and microbes multiply. The same applies to thongs, they can rub the crotch, which brings constant discomfort. Choose such underwear only for special occasions, and in everyday life try to wear comfortable underwear.
Reasons to see a gynecologist immediately
In addition to regular check-ups with a gynecologist, you should see a specialist if you notice:
- Burning and itching of the genitals;
- White, yellow and brown discharge accompanied by a not very pleasant smell;
- Sores, vesicles or pimples in the intimate area;
- Painful sensations during intercourse that are constantly repeated;
- Pain in the lower abdomen;
- Frequent and painful urination;
- Swollen lymph nodes in the bikini area;
- Pain in the area of the vagina itself;
- Menstrual failure.
Be attentive to all these symptoms and do not neglect the advice of doctors to prevent dangerous diseases of the genitourinary system.
Methods of prevention and protection against sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases are not a runny nose, they always have consequences. Can affect the possibility of childbearing and the development of neoplastic (oncological) diseases. Therefore, proper protection is the key to your future healthy and comfortable life. Many of these diseases can be asymptomatic, and you will not even be aware of their existence.
Be sure to use a condom, even if your partner tries to convince you that everything is fine with him. Be selective in choosing a sexual partner and observe hygiene. Use the methods of emergency antibiotic therapy (taking antibiotics, washing and vaginal suppositories) if the unexpected happens (the condom breaks). Do not treat yourself and in this case, consult a doctor.
Contraceptive methods also need to be approached wisely. Only an experienced gynecologist will help you make a choice between pills, spirals and other means, based on their needs and the condition of your body. And always use a condom!
Be attentive to your intimate health with
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