Beauty and health

Twisting the spine will help achieve physical and spiritual harmony

Скручивание позвоночника поможет достичь физической и духовной гармонии

Sometimes, in order to improve digestion, changes in diet alone are not enough. A very effective way to eliminate discomfort in the stomach, which will cleanse not only physically, but also spiritually, is spinal twisting. Read on for a powerful digestive technique that can make you feel lighter.

Through twisting, the stomach gets rid of food debris. When performing these exercises, the lower thoracic and lumbar spine, which are located in the abdominal cavity, are involved. Twisting provides a gentle massage of the internal organs, and these exercises help increase the flexibility of the stomach.

How to curl correctly

Twisting can be done in the morning or in the evening, depending on the desired effect. So, exercises that are performed in the morning before the first meal will help in cleansing the body. If you do twisting in the evening before going to bed, they will contribute to complete relaxation.

Try not to eat one hour before class and consult your doctor if you suffer from back problems. It is better for pregnant women to wait a little with twisting and start exercising after the baby is born.

The turn should be done very gently, on the exhale. The purpose of such classes – do not turn around as much as possible. It is very important to feel light, to enhance this effect, try to exhale longer.
Before you start twisting, place your feet shoulder-width apart, so you free the sacrum and fix the pelvis. Then stretch from the tailbone to the back of the head – this moment is insanely important, because it is possible to avoid damage to the spine.

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  • Comments (1)

    30 июля 2016, 14:43

    так даже и не встать без посторонней помощи)) :eek:

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