Goiter is commonly called an enlargement of the thyroid gland, not associated with oncological formations, an inflammatory process. According to studies, every third inhabitant of the planet experiences problems with this organ. The thyroid gland regulates all the metabolic processes of the body, the functioning of the nervous system, and the development of the brain. With the development of goiter, an increase in the size of the neck is visually determined, while the function of the gland is reduced, increased or normal. If laboratory diagnostics does not determine abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland, then such a goiter is safe, most often there is a hormonal imbalance that requires treatment. ailment.
- Goiter: primary symptoms of the disease
Why does goiter appear – causes and risk factors
Diagnosis and treatment of goiter and abnormalities of
- thyroid gland Goiter: primary symptoms of the disease
In the disease
goiter, the symptoms
are reflected by pressure in the throat, difficulty in swallowing, and respiratory failure. The appearance of the neck is changed, appears, unilateral asymmetry, thickening of tissues, induration resembles a tumor. If at the same time there is no imbalance of hormones, then there are no more symptoms. xxxx>
With hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, there is:
• irritability, lack of normal sleep, sometimes bulging eyeballs; • weight gain, low blood pressure, edema, depression.
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Many associate such manifestations with overwork, malnutrition, regular stress. If the symptoms are accompanied by a bump in the neck, which increases in size, then consulting an endocrinologist will not hurt. If you consult a doctor in time, you can correct the hormonal balance quickly and easily, while maintaining
sustainable results.
Main cause of goiter development – lack or excess of iodine in the body. Iodine is involved in many processes of metabolism and cell development. An increased concentration of the element leads to energy depletion. Autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases of the kidneys and stomach provoke the disease, the use of certain drugs causes thyroid disorders. The physiological state of a person and congenital anomalies – cause of goiter.
Factors contributing to the appearance of goiter:
• insufficient amount of iodine in the body;
• lack of iodine-rich foods in the menu;
• hereditary predisposition;
• immunodeficiency state;• mental abnormalities.
Causes of pain in the thyroid gland
There are foods that prevent the absorption of iodine – cauliflower, broccoli, cassava. For the prevention of goiter, it is recommended to consume an increased amount of seafood, seaweed, boiled sea fish, dairy products, nuts and seeds. Wild plants have a positive effect on the balance of iodine in the body – dandelion, nettle, linden
and birch.
For diagnosis, the doctor performs a visual examination, determines the structure, type and degree of development of the goiter. After that, he prescribes an ultrasound scan, a biopsy, to confirm or refute the malignancy of the formation. Laboratory studies on the content of thyroid hormones, urine and blood tests. Additionally, tomography and X-rays are recommended to determine the contours of the lymph nodes and the gland.
As a treatment, drug therapy is used to balance the hormonal background, taking iodine-containing drugs. Upon confirmation of the oncological process, an operation is performed to remove the organ. If the thyroid gland is functioning normally, then dynamic monitoring is prescribed.
Goiter in the advanced stages leads to the development of nodes into cancer. Benign formations become malignant over time. There are problems with metabolism, the process of swallowing is difficult, there are attacks of suffocation.
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When a goiter appears, the symptoms become more pronounced. Danger – This may already be an advanced stage. Therefore, you should not wait until all the signs appear immediately, the sooner you seek help, the more effective the treatment will be. xxxx>
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