Doctors consider sleep to be the most important component of health and the most important condition for beauty. And not without reason.
The most important beauties of the world (from top models to Hollywood actresses) also speak about the importance of beauty sleep, who agree that 8 hours a day — a prerequisite for fresh skin and good mood.
Moving along with the autumn season to shorter daylight hours, a person often feels sleepy and lethargic, which is reflected, no doubt, and in our appearance. How to sleep properly, get up easily and feel rested?
Find answers in our article on
1. How long should the dream of beauty last
2. Fall asleep properly for a full beauty sleep
3. Celebrity Morning Rituals After Beauty Sleep
How long should beauty sleep last
Experiments by scientists have allowed us to calculate the optimal sleep duration: the gold standard is 7-8 hours. That's how much sleep you need to feel rested and not have health problems.
These experiments also revealed that lack of sleep (4-6 hours) provokes cognitive decline, worse reactions and forgetfulness.
A person who sleeps little, all health indicators worsen, but the biggest danger lies in the fact that he does not notice this. At the same time, lack of sleep tends to accumulate.
So, systematically lacking sleep for two weeks, you get the effect, as if you had not slept for two days in a row.
Lack of sleep is often attributed to high workload and lack of time. But night vigils and early rises actually play a cruel joke: You think that you buy time for work, but at the same time, productivity drops.
Where did the norm of 8 hours come from? Scientists explain that this is exactly how long it takes for the optimal ratio of slow-wave and REM sleep phases.
Slow is responsible for the restoration of the physical body - cells are renewed, blood pressure drops, the body relaxes.
Quick is needed to reboot the brain - at this time new neural connections are built, the knowledge gained during the day is assimilated, information is redistributed. Knowing what happens to the brain and body during the night, it is not difficult to guess where the saying came from: "The morning is wiser than the evening."
By the way, experts have also established a direct link between the aging process and lack of sleep: if the phase of non-REM sleep is shortened, the body ages faster.
If you want to look fresh and beautiful in the morning, so that your skin simply shines from the inside, you will have to follow the daily routine anyway. Ideal — go to bed before 23.00 and sleep for at least 8 hours.
Then healthy sleep will enhance the effect of your skin care regimen (provided it is properly chosen), resulting in young and fresh skin even without decorative cosmetics.
Sleep properly for a full beauty sleep
The quality of beauty sleep is influenced by many factors: stress level, daily schedule, bad habits, nutrition, physical activity.
Doctors clarify: sleep alone is not enough to look great. It also matters how quickly and deeply you can fall asleep.
There are some universal recommendations that will help you sleep better:
1. Avoid caffeine after dinner (especially if you already have trouble sleeping).
2. Turn off the TV at least an hour before bedtime.
3. Avoid using gadgets (mobile phone is one of them, keep that in mind!) an hour before going to bed.
4. Go in for sports (movement during the day will help you "turn off" faster in the evening).
5. Ventilate the bedroom (the optimum temperature in it is 18-21 degrees).
6. Do not drink alcoholic beverages in the evening (this shortens the REM phase, which means your brain will not rest during the night, and you will wake up broken in the morning, even if you slept for 10 hours in a row).
There are many techniques for quick sleep, including specific calming breathing techniques. You can also try to master them — it's not that hard if you train every night.
The "4-7-8" quick sleep technique is very popular on the Internet. People who have mastered it guarantee falling asleep in just 1 minute with proper skill.
The secret is to first take calm breaths through your nose for 4 seconds. Then hold your breath for 7 seconds. And for the last 8 seconds, calmly (slowly!) Exhale through your mouth. And so repeat several cycles until the heart rate slows down, and you yourself will not notice how you fall asleep.
Try it! Adherents of the 4-7-8 system assure that it works quickly and never fails.
Celebrity Morning Rituals After Beauty Sleep
Not enough good sleep — you still need to start the day cheerfully, so as not to fall asleep in transport on the way to work. So that the fruits of beauty sleep are not in vain, make it a habit to set aside time in the morning just for yourself.
This seems like an impossible task only at first glance. Create your own morning rituals — and it will be easy and pleasant to get up!
Let skincare, light exercise or making a healthy breakfast smoothie become a pleasant routine for you. The pleasure and good results of good habits are more motivating than having to run to work by 9 o'clock in the morning.
This theory is also confirmed by the morning rituals of many successful, beautiful and famous women who, with their help, enhance the effect of their beauty sleep.
For example, Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen sets aside 20 minutes of meditation with mantras in the morning.
and one of the Victoria's Secret Angels Miranda Kerr first drinks a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon to improve digestion for the whole day, and then does 20 minutes of Pilates or yoga.
Another "angel" of Victoria's Secret- British supermodel and civil wife of Jason Statham Rosie Huntington-Whiteley drinks a liter of water as soon as she gets out of bed. According to the blond beauty, such a volume of water vividly brings her whole body to life.
Hollywood actress Reese Witherspooncan't imagine a morning without dancing. Together with the children, Reese dances a lot during the morning preparations. Even the Witherspoon family dresses up, dancing to country and modern hits. Here is a wonderful exercise for the whole family! In fact, there is nothing difficult in observing the
rules of sleep of beauty, you just need to not be lazy. After all, first of all, you yourself need it! The effect will not take long – after a week of quality and regular sleep, you will no longer recognize yourself in the mirror in the morning.
In addition, vigor, strength and energy will increase, which means that the quality of life will increase. Get ready to receive compliments on your blooming looks!
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