In our time, the cult of a sports body and a healthy lifestyle reigns all over the world. From the pages of social networks and glossy magazines, from the frames of video clips and commercials, girls with embossed arms, pumped up abs and stone buttocks with which you can chop nuts look at readers and viewers. At the same time, girls who come to gyms or fitness clubs expect to be able to create such a body in just six months, and are very disappointed when they do not see such obvious results.

Meanwhile, even the most intense training will not help to show the world pumped muscles if they are hidden under a layer of fat. In order to drive away subcutaneous fat and see the muscle relief in the "naked"; look, you need drying of the body. About how to properly dry the body for girls at home – read on

What is body drying for girls at home

Body drying – this is the reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer to a minimum in order to bring pumped muscles to the surface.

The term "body drying" came from the world of professional bodybuilding – bodybuilders and fitness bikinists are sure to dry themselves before competitions in order to show the relief pumped up muscles in the best possible way. In addition, for professional athletes, drying the body helps to see which muscles are already sufficiently worked out, and which ones still need to be worked on.

Let's make a reservation right away: in the world of iron and rocking chairs, drying the body implies a much more serious process than amateur athletes use in everyday life. Pros sometimes reduce body fat levels to a critical level of 5%, and often help themselves with the help of pharmacological drugs. At home, drying the body for girls does not imply the use of any "chemistry"; - only the right system of nutrition and training.

In addition, it is extremely harmful for women to reduce the percentage of body fat below 10-15%, because due to a certain fat reserve, the female body produces hormones responsible for a full menstrual cycle and much more. 

Body drying for girls at home includes two main factors:

  1. A diet high in protein and minimizing carbohydrates and fats
  2. Alternate strength training with active cardio exercise

The process of drying the body is possible only if both factors are observed.

It is important to remember that drying the body is meaningless if the athlete does not have increased muscle mass. Only trained sports girls without health problems can dry themselves!

Even the most intense training will not help to show the world pumped muscles if they are hidden under a layer of fat. Only drying the body will help the girls in this case.

Nutrition for drying the body for girls at home

As previously stated, cutting the body involves burning body fat by minimizing fat and carbohydrates in the diet, as well as increasing the amount of protein in order to maintain muscle mass.

However, it is not recommended for girls to completely abandon healthy fats and carbohydrates for drying the body – due to the risk of hormonal disruption, which we described above, as well as to avoid skin and hair problems.

The main diet for girls on drying the body:

  • Skinless boiled chicken breast (or turkey), lean beef
  • Low-fat white fish and seafood – boiled or steamed
  • Boiled egg whites
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Low fat kefir
  • Greens and green vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, etc.)

Eat small meals (200-250g) every 2-3 hours.

In very small quantities in the morning, girls on drying can use:

  • Fruits and berries (except for overly high-calorie bananas and grapes)
  • Cereals (buckwheat, brown rice)
  • Whole grain or rye bread (no more than a slice per day)
  • Vegetable oils (a teaspoon of any oil will help maintain the elasticity of the skin and chest)


Salt should be avoided for the period of drying the body, so as not to retain water in the body.

To avoid feelings of weakness and dizziness from poor nutrition with vitamins, it is better to take a high-quality multivitamin complex. It is also worth drinking at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day to speed up the metabolism and excretion of decay products from the body.

Experts recommend not drying for longer than 5 weeks, otherwise there is a risk of problems with some body systems that need carbohydrates and fats, as well as with the liver and kidneys, which find it difficult to fully remove excess protein breakdown products in large quantities for a long time.

There are certain contraindications for drying the body for girls:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Diabetes
  • Renal or liver failure
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Drying the body involves burning subcutaneous fat by minimizing fats and carbohydrates in the diet, as well as increasing the amount of protein, however, cutting healthy fats and carbohydrates is not recommended for girls due to the risk of problems with women's health.

Exercises for cutting girls at home

To create the effect of a relief body, proper nutrition must be combined with certain types of physical activity.

Girls drying at home are advised to alternate every other day:

  1. Strength training
  2. Cardio

During strength training, you should do sets of at least 3 sets, and do not allow yourself to pause for more than a minute between sets.

Strength exercises at home for cutting girls include:

  • Squats (better with weights)
  • Lunges (preferably with extra weight)
  • Pushups
  • Planck
  • Abs crunches
  • Exercises with small dumbbells for hands


On days when the body is resting from pumping specific muscles, it should be loaded with intense cardio to actively burn fat.

To cardio workouts at home for cutting girls belong:

  • Running or brisk walking
  • Bicycle
  • Swimming
  • Aerobics
  • Jump Rope

Ideally, aerobic exercise should last at least an hour, because only after 30-40 minutes after the start of the exercise, the body finishes burning glycogen in the liver and switches to burning fat reserves.

To achieve the effect of a relief body, girls need to constantly alternate strength exercises and cardio training while drying the body.

There is nothing difficult in drying the body for girls at home, but it will take patience and some willpower in order not to break down and bring the process to the end. In addition, special attention should be paid to the nuances of health risks. But the reward will be a result visible to everyone around you, which will stay with you for a long time if, after getting out of drying, you continue to monitor your diet and exercise several times a week.

Read also: Body drying for men at home: nutrition and training

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