Summer period — time for relaxation and seduction. Because of the bright sun and long daylight hours, we become careless and vulnerable. As a result, at the most inopportune moment, we are overtaken by a formidable enemy of lovers of sunny days — heatstroke. Thermal shock — this is a violation of the thermoregulation of the body as a result of prolonged exposure to high ambient temperatures, confirms Often, children and older people are exposed to this effect, because the thermoregulation of the first has not yet been established, and in the second category it is already disturbed with age.

Causes of heat stroke

Overheating of the body occurs due to hindered heat transfer from the surface of the body, violations of the body's heat transfer:

  • high temperature,
  • humidity and lack of air movement,
  • clothes made of non-natural fabrics,
  • individual sensitivity to temperature increase

and increased body heat production (physical activity is beyond our strength).

Victims of such exposure are most often people who have in their anamnesis:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • overweight (or obese),
  • metabolic disorders,
  • cardiovascular disease.

Differences between heat stroke and sunstroke

Sunstroke – this is the same heat stroke caused by a non-general increase & nbsp; body temperature, but direct sunlight. As a result of overheating in the sun, there is an expansion of blood vessels and a sharp rush of it to the brain. Under the influence of such influence, first of all, the nervous system suffers.

Sometimes you can confuse the symptoms of sunstroke with heatstroke. However, recovery from the first one takes much longer.

Read also: How to cool down in summer: what to drink and eat in the heat?

Heat stroke severity and symptoms

General symptoms of heat stroke include headaches, general weakness, and a feeling of fatigue. According to the impact on the human body, heat strokes are classified according to severity:

  • mild,
  • moderate,
  • severe.

Mild heatstroke

Victims complain of headache and dizziness, a feeling of fever, fatigue, weakness, depression. Often people are worried about nausea, sometimes vomiting. Other symptoms:

  • body temperature is normal,
  • moist skin,
  • Slight acceleration of heart rate.

Moderate heat stroke

Victims complain of general weakness, throbbing headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Body temperature rises to 40-41 degrees. The skin is hyperemic, moisturized, sweating increases. Psychiatric disorders are also observed:

  • increased irritability,
  • outbursts of unmotivated unbridled anger.

Other symptoms: there is a disorder of coordination of movements. The respiratory rate is not changed or slightly increased. Tachycardia reaches 110-130 beats per minute.

Severe heatstroke

It occurs suddenly or gradually from the onset of:

  • unbearable headache,
  • dizziness,
  • vision impairment,
  • repeated vomiting,
  • increasing psychomotor agitation and disorientation,
  • disorder of consciousness.

Pupils are narrow. There is an increase in muscle tone, tonic and clonic convulsions, pathological foot reflexes, paresis and paralysis. The skin is hyperemic, sometimes with cyanotic edema, body temperature is within 40-42 C. Circulatory disorder progresses: heart rate acceleration, tachycardia up to 120-140 beats per minute, arrhythmia is observed. The rhythm and amplitude of respiratory movements are disturbed.

First aid for heat and sunstroke

At the first sign of heatstroke, you should immediately call an ambulance. Your actions before the arrival of qualified help:

  • immediately move the victim to a cool place: in the shade, in a room with a fan or air conditioning;
  • remove tight clothing,
  • untie tie,
  • take off shoes;
  • wrap with a cold sheet or blanket;
  • a cool shower or bath if available.


It is also recommended to drink 1 liter of water with 2 tablespoons of salt added.

Heat stroke can occur not only as a result of dehydration, but also due to an imbalance in the water-salt balance.

Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, energy drinks) should never be taken in case of heat stroke.  To reduce fever, you can apply ice packs to the neck and armpits. 

Be attentive to your health during the hot season with

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