Bad habits and their impact – a topic that will probably never lose its relevance. Since childhood, we hear almost daily about the negative effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs on the human body. However, smoking and alcoholism – not all bad habits. Overeating, not sleeping well, taking medication for the slightest reason are also considered bad habits.
In this article invites you to learn about five seemingly harmless, but in fact bad habits that are inherent & nbsp; a huge number of people.
5th place: rhinotillexomania–a familiar habit with a scary name
One of the most common bad habits is rhinotillexomania – nose picking. It is almost impossible to accurately estimate the number of people inclined to this occupation: few people will honestly answer such an intimate question. Nevertheless, even the most minimal and approximate estimates of American researchers gave an amazing result: 91% of respondents admitted to rhinotillexomania!
However, what is harmful in this "ugly" habit? Of course, this is unhygienic, but does nose picking cause any damage to the body? As it turned out, yes.
- Firstly, unreasonable scratching of the nasal mucosa can cause mechanical damage, which eventually develops into inflammation.
- Secondly, especially "zealous" Rhinotillexomaniacs can damage the nasal septum.
- Thirdly, this unhygienic activity contributes to the spread of viruses and bacteria (for example, Staphylococcus aureus).
4th place: "Sleep is for the weak!"
The habit of ignoring the daily routine and neglecting normal sleep entails a lot of problems. Yes, chronic lack of sleep – this is, first of all, a habit, which, by the way, is not so easy to get rid of.
There are many reasons for lack of sleep: irregular working hours, the chores associated with caring for a child or a sick person, and stress that leads to insomnia. Whatever causes a person to neglect rest, the consequences are almost always the same:
- irritability;
- lack of concentration;
- apathy;
- headaches;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- decreased immunity.
Yes, and lack of sleep cannot but affect the appearance, "leaving as a memory" bags under the eyes and pale skin.
To get rid of the habit of going to bed too late, you need to deal with the root cause. Perhaps the creation of a clear daily routine, including 7-8 hours for rest, will come to the rescue. If the reason is to take care of the child, then you should allocate at least a few hours for daytime sleep: it will help, at least a little, restore strength and give the body a break.
Insomnia is a symptom of some diseases. If there are no visible reasons for lack of sleep, but sleep still does not come, you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.
3rd place: Dangerous caffeine addiction
Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with starting the morning with a cup of flavored drink. However, excessive coffee consumption can develop into a bad habit, and after – into a true addiction.
The cause of caffeine addiction is usually the same lack of sleep. Coffee helps to wake up and replenish the energy not received due to inadequate sleep. However, such vivacity is costly for our body. Drinking a lot of coffee (more than 500 ml in one day) contributes to:
- nervousness;
- severe mood swings;
- tachycardia;
- arrhythmias;
- hand tremor;
- diarrhea.
Don't forget that a sharp decrease (or complete cessation) of coffee consumption in most cases negatively affects the physical and emotional state.
Weakness, nausea, irritability and headache – the most common withdrawal symptoms. During this period, you should completely eliminate caffeine in all its forms from your diet.
However, without good reason, you should not abruptly "tie" with coffee. It is best to gradually get rid of this addiction, & nbsp; slowly reducing the amount to the recommended 1-2 cups per day.
2nd place: lack of regimen and food culture
Yes, malnutrition – also a bad habit. Let's make a reservation right away: by proper nutrition we do not mean counting calories and eating exclusively healthy food. Proper nutrition – it is, first of all, a varied balanced diet and adherence to a meal regimen.
All sorts of snacks «anywhere and with anything» entail a lot of problems. This is natural, because food – the main source of energy, as well as micro and macro elements, & nbsp; necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Lack of power mode can cause:
- gastritis;
- ulcers;
- obesity;
- disturbances of metabolic processes;
- decreased immunity;
- deterioration of skin, hair and nails.
In addition, unbalanced nutrition is a concomitant factor in the occurrence of almost all diseases.
It is not so difficult to get rid of the habit of unhealthy eating. Today, the Internet is full of tips for creating the right menu and various recipes, & nbsp; which even a beginner in cooking can master.
1st place: uncontrolled drug use
Self-medication is not just a harmful, but also a very dangerous habit. An incredible number of people, due to being busy, afraid of hospitals or distrusting doctors, prefer to self-diagnose and prescribe treatment. Needless to say, such an approach in most cases leads to sad consequences.
- Many diseases have the same symptoms. For example, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can be symptoms of food poisoning, stomach flu, intestinal infections, cholecystitis, viral hepatitis, and a dozen other diseases. Naturally, it is better not to play roulette, trying to guess the disease by its symptoms, but to immediately consult a doctor.
- Such a bad habit as uncontrolled medication affects various body systems. For example, antibiotics destroy the intestinal microflora, disrupting the digestive tract. Without the intake of probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics, the restoration of bowel function will be extremely difficult. By the way, it is also not easy to figure out which of the drugs to choose on your own.
- Almost every drug has a number of contraindications and side effects. Taking pills without a doctor's supervision may not recognize the symptoms of an allergy and aggravate the condition of the body.
That is why the appearance of certain symptoms should not be put off the visit to the doctor on the back burner, trying to cope with the disease on your own. A number of studies will help to quickly identify the disease and begin its treatment.
You should not test your body for strength; take care of yourself and diseases will bypass you. On the site you can find a lot of useful articles that will help you maintain your health, youth and beauty.
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