You can keep your skin looking youthful by eating certain foods. This effect can be achieved through nutrition due to the fact that due to the correct diet, skin elasticity increases. In the article we will tell you everything about products for youthful skin.

Products for youthful skin


Due to the fact that this fruit contains oleic acid, the body does not form “bad” cholesterol, moreover, previously formed is neutralized. Among other things, this product for youthful skin is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels, and, accordingly, prevents premature “fading” skin.

People who have problems with being overweight should not get carried away with avocados, since on average it contains from 120 to 250 calories. Also, this fruit is better not to combine with bread, pita bread or toast with irregular stools, as it inhibits intestinal motility.

Egg yolks

This product contains lecithin, which has a positive effect on the body's fat metabolism. It represents  a fat-like substance that is responsible for the supply of phosphorus to the body, nourishing nerve cells. The nutrition of the skin when using this product is due to the content of vitamins A and D.


This product for youthful skin contains up to 80% non-drying oils, which include fatty acids – linoleic, linolenic and oleic. The latter bring exceptional benefits to the body, preventing the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, acting as a preventive measure for atherosclerosis, and also contributing to the improvement of the digestive tract.

Regular consumption of fresh olives – under this condition, the skin and hair are restored in two weeks.

Fatty Ocean Fish

Since fish contains a large amount of oleic acid, in combination with palmitic and polyunsaturated acids omega 3 and omega 6, this product will no doubt help maintain youth. These acids promote the production of substances called prostaglandins, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling and inflammation on the skin.

In addition, by using this product for youthful skin, the phenomenon of vascular fragility is reduced and prevents the appearance of visible capillary networks and stretch marks.

Nuts and seeds

The daily rate of these products for youthful skin – 20-25 g. With the regular use of nuts and seeds, just a month is enough to improve the condition of the skin, the hair becomes more elastic and memory improves.


So flaxseed – an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, it is flawless in helping to cleanse the intestines, strengthen the liver and accelerate hair growth.

Carrot juice

Vitamin A provides good vision, strong teeth and bones, and strengthens the immune system. In addition, vitamin A contributes to a better functioning of the thyroid gland, which indirectly affects the hormonal background of the body and, accordingly, the condition of the skin.

To maintain youthful skin, drink at least 3 glasses of carrot juice a week.

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