Ультразвуковая чистка лица (УЗ чистка) - рейтинг лучших аппаратов, плюсы и минусы, как сделать в домашних условиях, результат до и после

Regular cleansing of the face and neck is the key to healthy and radiant skin. Pollution in the skin tends to accumulate, clog into epithelial tissues, in addition, regular formation of keratinized cells occurs. In order to get a fresh face, it is not necessary to use manual cleaning, scrubs and acid peels that traumatize the epidermis, ultrasonic cleaning will do. 

Ultrasonic facial cleansing: what is it

Ultrasonic cleaning is the use of a special device that acts with microfocused ultrasound on the deeper layers of the skin and muscles, where they are heated up to 40°C for a short period of time.


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It promotes the removal of dirt, make-up residues, dead skin cells, subcutaneous comedones, as if "exploding" black dots. Stimulates the compaction of old collagen and the reproduction of new. That is, literally when the collagen matures.

Before and after effect

As a result, after a course of procedures, you can see noticeable improvements:

• The face looks refreshed, rested;

• The skin becomes renewed and velvety;

• Wrinkles are smoothed; 

• Pores shrink; 

• Small scars disappear; 

• The swelling goes away.

Ultrasonic face cleaning at home

This procedure does not take much time, which is one of its advantages. Carrying out ultrasonic cleaning occurs according to three successive stages. Note that scrubs and peels should not be used 5-7 days before and after cleansing.


Before exposure to the ultrasound machine, it is necessary to clean the skin  cosmetic product from dirt and make-up, then warm it up (hotly – over steam; coldly – with a warming mask). After removing the mask, apply an ultrasonic wave conductor (special gel for ultrasonic cleaning) or constantly moisten the skin with water / thermal water / hydrolat, as the device must slide freely over the surface for during the entire procedure.

Ultrasonic cleaning: recovery period 

Cleansing of the dermis occurs with smooth movements of the ultrasonic scrubber against massage lines with a slight pressure at an angle of 35-45 degrees to the skin surface for 15-20 minutes. Continuous waves caused by the vibration of the device start the process of breaking molecular bonds and removing impurities. 


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After the procedure, it is necessary to apply a soothing antioxidant mask for 15 minutes, its beneficial components will be able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

Ultrasonic peeling should be carried out in courses of 15-20 procedures with a break of 5-10 days 1-2 times a year, depending on the condition of the skin.

Recovery period

For 1-2 days, you should refrain from applying decorative cosmetics, use sunscreen.

Rating of devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing at home

Among the variety of ultrasound devices, we have identified the most rated ones, based on the effect of facial cleansing, cost and customer reviews:

#1. ReadySkin Glory


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Glory by ReadySkin became the undoubted leader in terms of the combination of the most acceptable cost (about 2600 rubles at the time of publication) and a set of unique and useful functions. The device easily copes with the elimination of major skin imperfections: thanks to the action of ultrasound, it removes black spots, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates comedones, and eliminates small scars. Disincrustation is carried out with ions – elimination of acne, early signs of aging. An undoubted bonus is the presence of an innovative and increasingly popular microcurrent lifting function, which affects the muscles, giving them tone, tightening the jowls and modeling the oval of the face. The product has protection against moisture.

#2. Gess Exotic


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The device includes a facial cleansing procedure combined with light therapy. It will help to get rid of a bad complexion and restore freshness and youthfulness to it thanks to micromassage; smooth out mimic wrinkles. The use of the device contributes to the cleansing and narrowing of the pores, exfoliation of keratinized particles. As for the cost – it is about 6500 rubles at the time of publication.

#3. Mezonic



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The product works the same as its cold boil counterparts. liquid under the action of ultrasonic vibrations of its blade, that is, a special gel that is applied before the procedure, under the action of an ultrasound device is removed along with the contents of the pores, cell membranes open, and vitamins and amino acids from cosmetics penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin without the need for injections. The price of the device is ~ 3000 rubles.

#4. Doctor Comfort US-5 Professional



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The model has a presentable appearance – black case with 24-carat gold-plated spatula. In addition to ultrasonic cleaning, there is light therapy that helps reduce rashes and inflammation. The product will help in matters of sagging skin, muscle hypotonia. But the prices bite – approximately 6500 rubles.

#5. Beperfect BP-1801


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The device allows you to peel the skin not only with ultrasound, but also with a combination of ultrasonic waves and galvanic (ionic) purification. Chromotherapy has proven itself well in cosmetology; this function is presented in the – radiation  blue color becomes an effective alternative to antibiotics for acne correction. Cost ~ 4000 rubles.


• Possibility of using ultrasound machine at home;

• Increases muscle tone, rejuvenates the dermis;

• Proven safe and effective skin cleansing method;

• Promotes lymphatic drainage of the face;

• Activates metabolism in cells;

• Absence of discomfort, pain;

• Anti-inflammatory action;

• Combined with other cosmetic procedures.


• It is more suitable for normal and oily skin types, but for owners of problematic skin, such cleansing will not be enough, it is better to combine it with other procedures.

• A slight dryness of the skin may occur. To do this, it is necessary to add a moisturizer to the usual care until the normalization of skin.

Indications and contraindications ultrasonic cleaning 

Such cleaning is indicated at any age, from adolescence.

Helps get rid of:

• excessive work of the sebaceous glands,

• comedones and manifestations of acne,

• age spots and uneven and dull complexion,

• hypotonicity of the muscles of the face and neck,

• puffiness.


• the presence of inflamed areas of the skin,

• wounds and cracks,

• recent chemical peel,

• subcutaneous and other implants, 

• elevated body temperature, exacerbation of viral infections (herpes, eczema), epilepsy, cardiovascular, oncological diseases,

• pregnancy period.

Expert Opinion:

Anna Sedykh, dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist:

"Ultrasonic cleaning – gentle hardware procedure for cleansing the epidermis from dead cells, minor impurities. Ultrasound waves also produce a light micromassage.

The procedure does not cause pain, does not injure, and there is no harmful stretching of the skin. It is important that there are no marks or redness after cleaning, so this procedure can be carried out before the event.

The interval for ultrasonic skin cleansing depends on its condition and the degree of contamination, it is 5-10 days, a course of 15-20 procedures 1-2 during the year.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing enhances the effect of subsequent cosmetic procedures, for this reason I would recommend starting with it. The procedure is indicated for any age category of people, it can be carried out regardless of the season."

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