In order to help all organs get involved in the work, start the circulation of the lymph  and saturate every cell of the body with clean water, it will take only five minutes. In this case, you do not have to torture yourself with complex gymnastic exercises or a morning jog. What's more, you don't even have to get out of bed.

Just opposite — staying in it in a relaxed state is one of the main conditions for massage of internal organs. But this is what will ensure a vigorous rise and excellent health for the whole day. 

Diaphragmatic breathing gently massages the organs and cleanses the lungs

Step one: a glass of water. In the evening, prepare a glass of clean drinking water and, covering it with a napkin, put it on the bedside table. Waking up in the morning, without getting out of bed, drink it. In a reclining state, when all muscles are relaxed, water will reach every cell and be quickly absorbed by the body.

In a few minutes, water will reach the intestines and, due to the stimulation of its peristalsis  improve motor skills. And after passing through the walls of the stomach, it will spread throughout the body, wash all the cells and transport the products of their metabolism, which have accumulated overnight in the interstitial fluid, to the lymphatic system.

Step Two: Diaphragmatic breathing. The diaphragmatic breathing technique allows you to awaken the respiratory system, cleanse the lungs, make a gentle massage of the internal organs and start the circulation of the lymph.

Healing technique for performing diaphragmatic breathing

  1. Straighten your back and shoulders so that you can feel the surface of the bed with your shoulder blades.
  2. Take a normal breath through your mouth. Without opening your mouth, slowly, within 5 seconds, exhale through your nose and watch your sensations at the same time.

Feel how the air enters the respiratory tract: moving first through the nasopharynx, then — trachea and bronchi, fills the lungs. The chest expands, the ribs diverge slightly.

Continue to inhale, filling the lower lungs with air, until you feel the solar plexus expand, the diaphragm descend and the anterior abdominal wall protrude. You filled your lungs with air.

  1. Hold your breath for 3 seconds.
  2. Exhale through your mouth twice as slowly as you inhale for 10 seconds. To do this, you can fold your lips with a tube or slightly open your teeth, lips and smile — then the air will come out of the mouth with a slight hiss.

Start exhaling by pulling in your belly from the bottom up. Squeeze the muscles of the perineum first, then — inguinal region and lower the anterior wall of the peritoneum, as if taking it under the ribs and at the same time pulling it up to the spine. In this case, the diaphragm should rise and push air out of the lungs.

Continue to exhale, contracting the chest and thereby forcing air out of the middle and upper lungs and upper airways. Try to breathe everything out. This will help clear the lungs of carbon dioxide that has accumulated in them during the night shallow breathing.

  1. After exhaling all the air, hold your breath for 3 seconds.
    After a delay, you can start a new diaphragmatic breath through the nose.
  2. Take five such breaths.

How to improve lymph flow without getting out of bed

Step three: "play" belly. Hold your breath after the fifth diaphragmatic exhalation and imagine that you have a small ball on your stomach that you need to push out with your diaphragm so that it jumps to the ceiling. Do this sharply, but at the same time carefully, to feel the work of the diaphragm. "Toss" ball four times. After that, inhale freely and relax the respiratory muscles along with the stomach.

Step Four: Lymphatic drainage of arms and legs. With the help of light massage movements, you can help the movement of lymph through the lymph nodes.

  • Without getting out of bed, while lying down, raise your left hand. Grab it with a half ring formed by the fingers and the palm of your right hand. Gently work every millimeter of skin, starting from the fingers and ending with the shoulder joint.

Stroking should be light enough to evoke the sensation of water flowing down the arm. First stroke your hand on the inside of your hand, then — on the outside. Make three or four such movements and repeat with the right hand.
Raise your left leg, bend it at the knee and pull it towards your chest.

  • Grab your foot with your palms and fingers. Slowly, sweep over it, then go up the ankle, shin, knee, thigh as if pulling on a stocking. Stroking the leg from all sides — from the hip area to the groin area, repeat this movement three to four times, and then do the same with the right leg.

Step five: abdominal massage. Place the fingers of both hands on the right iliac region — where the appendix is.   

Inhaling deeply and freely, gently press and run your fingers over the abdomen with your fingers from the bottom up to the corner of the right hypochondrium. Inhalation done.

During the delay, gently move your hands from right to left from the angle of the right costal arch to the angle of the left costal arch, as if moving the contents of the intestine through the transverse colon.

As you exhale, move the fingers of both hands to your waist, above the left iliac region (pelvic) bone. As you exhale, move your fingers down the left iliac region, while pointing to the right: towards the center of the pubic region, along the sigmoid colon. Continue to the level of the groin.

Do this three times — and the intestines will tune in to work. After all, he was first washed with clean water, and then stimulated, which will allow him to remove all the decay products that have accumulated overnight.

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