In the modern world of beauty, it is impossible to do without cleansing the skin on the face and the whole body. If you disdain cleansing the skin on the body, cellulite will begin to appear as a result, and if you do not clean the skin on the face – first of all, black dots, pimples will appear, then the color and tone will worsen. Today, cosmetology offers a wide variety of skin cleansing procedures, both superficial and deep penetration. Some of the cosmetic cleansing procedures can be used at home, others – only under the guidance of a beautician. Consider on types of skin cleansing: manual, brossage, vacuum, disincrustation, ultrasound, cryotherapy.

Types of skin cleansing: cosmetic procedures

To give freshness to the skin, remove the stratum corneum, eliminate mimic and deep wrinkles, even out tone, get rid of black spots can be various types of skin cleansing on the face. When choosing a suitable cosmetic facial, first of all focus on the presence of skin problems.

Manual cleaning

In simple words, this procedure is called manual cleaning. It is a mechanical method of cleansing the skin, during which metal spoons or loops are used. Although the main effect is done with the fingers.

The main disadvantage of manual cleaning is pain and minor trauma. The result depends on the ability of the cosmetologist to correctly calculate the movement of the fingers and the degree of pressure on the skin. This procedure is indicated for oily skin, and is contraindicated for dry and thin skin on the face. In addition, manual cleaning is prohibited in the presence of acne, abscesses, high blood pressure, rosacea and demodicosis.


Brossage or brushing

vidy-ochistki-kozhi-vybiraem-kosmetologicheskuyu-protseduruThis is skin cleansing with a machine that includes brushes, sponges and pumice stones for polishing. All brushes are made from natural bristles with varying degrees of hardness. With the help of brushes of various rotation speeds and a gel or scrub, dead skin cells are removed from the skin surface, pores are cleansed and the secretion of subcutaneous fat is normalized.

Read also: Facial brushing is an effective skin cleansing procedure

Vacuum cleaning

Another hardware technique for cleansing the skin on the face, like vacuum cleaning, is working on the skin with the help of nozzles inside which negative pressure is created. This type of cleansing provides getting rid of fatty plugs and, accordingly, comedones, cleanses the pores and ducts of the sebaceous glands. This type of cleaning is contraindicated in the presence of rosacea, hemangiomas, vascular problems, inflammatory processes.


The above types of skin cleansing are classified as superficial methods of cleansing the face. Next, consider deep cleansing procedures that, in addition to cleanliness, also provide a rejuvenating effect. 


It is a method of deep cleansing of the skin. To achieve very deep penetration, alkaline solutions (disincrustations) are used under the influence of galvanic currents.

Galvanic current promotes the removal of fat from the ducts and pores to the surface of the skin. With the help of an alkaline medium, fat is liquefied (saponified), and along with it, dirt, which helps to easily remove everything from the skin.

Some women are afraid of this procedure due to fear of the word "current". An experienced cosmetologist will tell you that the force of the current is very small. Therefore, during the procedure, there is practically no pain and any discomfort. But, as practice shows, the power of fear is great and can cause excessive nervousness. So, if you are very afraid of this procedure, consult a cosmetologist on how to overcome this fear or replace the procedure with another one that is no less effective.


Read also: Cleansing pores for oily skin: deincrustation options

Ultrasonic cleaning

A gentle and painless procedure that is not inferior in results to the previous types of – This is ultrasonic cleaning. With the help of an ultrasonic wave, a specific massage is carried out at the cellular level, which promotes blood circulation and metabolism, and normalizes the outflow of lymph. In addition, this procedure provides deep cleaning of dead tissue, dirt and grease. But, this type of cleaning does not affect small scars, age spots, blackheads and rashes.


Read also: How to take care of your skin in 20+ and 30+


Cleansing the skin with liquid nitrogen is called cryotherapy. With a swab dipped in nitrogen, the beautician moves along the massage lines and treats the skin. The vessels on the face give in to spasm, and the capillaries expand. This effect improves blood circulation, tissues are supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Cryotherapy is often used after manual cleansing of the skin in order to prevent inflammation.


Due to some cooling of the skin and slight tingling, blood pressure may increase. This procedure is not recommended for patients with abnormal heart rhythms or other cardiovascular conditions.

Which of the cosmetic procedures to choose and which types of skin cleansing to give preference to, will be advised by an experienced cosmetologist. Only a competent approach to the application of any procedure will provide a lasting effect for a beautiful and radiant face.

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