Viloma Pranayama helps to normalize breathing, which makes it possible to get rid of asthma and colds. In addition, this breathing technique will be useful for low blood pressure. This type of pranayama affects the mind, so it can be used during bouts of bad mood and irritability. Viloma means resistance to natural breathing, during which the natural inhalation and exhalation are interrupted. Learn how to perform this breathing technique in the article.

“Loma” means hair, “wee” – negative particle, i.e. “Viloma” means “against the grain”, against the natural order of things.

The duration of a normal exhalation is 15 seconds, while Viloma involves the introduction of a two-second pause after every third second of inhalation or exhalation. Consequently, the process of inhalation and exhalation is lengthened up to 25 seconds.

This breathing technique is performed in 3 steps:

  1. Irregular breath – delay – smooth exhalation;
  2. Smooth breath – delay – gasping breath
  3. Irregular breath – delay – short breath.

Viloma Pranayama: performance technique

  • sit in Turkish style, men face north, women – to the south. Hands on knees, fingers in Jnani mudra (thumb touches middle finger);
  • take a full breath, while not smoothly inhaling the air, but abruptly, in small portions (3 seconds inhale, 2 seconds pause) until the lungs are full;
  • after inhaling, hold your breath for 7-14 seconds;
  • while holding your breath, hold two bandhas – throat (the chin is tightly pressed to the chest, the throat is tightly compressed) and the perineum (the muscles of the anal sphincter, the muscles of the genital organs and the navel are contracted);
  • after holding the breath, take a smooth breath, after the end of the exhalation, release the bandhas;
  • Perform this breathing technique 4 times.


Viloma Health Benefits

When performing this breathing technique, thermal comfort increases – cold and heat are much easier to bear.

The overall energy saturation of the body organs increases, a person becomes less vulnerable to diseases

After a few weeks of practice, brain activity noticeably improves, a person becomes calmer, gets rid of irritability.

People with high blood pressure should do Viloma lying down. In case of heart diseases, it is possible to start performing such a breathing technique only after preliminary preparation in the form of lighter pranayamas.

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