Lack of time due to employment at work, at home, when washing, cleaning, husband and children, everyone needs to pay attention, smile and their location. What kind of disposition can we talk about if dissatisfaction with yourself and your body is in the first place? There is no need to scour the sites in search of successful collections of exercises, perform asanas or study long complexes of martial arts or fitness programs in order to lose at least 2-3 kilograms. Do 3 exercises for burning fat every day for 20 days for one hour, and you will see the result - a toned body and a slim figure.

Important! The training should last about an hour, every day.

During the exercise, up to 1000 calories will be consumed daily (maybe less, it all depends on the intensity). Before training, do some stretching exercises to prepare the muscle corset before the load. Take 5 minute breaks between runs.

Exercises for burning fat


Jumps are accompanied by arm swings and leg movements. This exercise can be used as a warm-up, it speeds up the pulse, increases blood circulation, blood flow to the muscles resumes. During this exercise, almost all the muscles of the body work: buttocks and legs, arms and back, stomach. It is especially important to perform jumping with a swing of your arms to work the Achilles tendons, calf and gluteal muscles. It takes 20-25 minutes to work on this exercise.

How to do Fat Burning Exercises - Jumping with both arms swing

vsego-3-uprazhneniya-dlya-szhiganiya-zhira-minus-1000-kalorij-za-trenirovku Starting position: stand straight, straighten your back, arms along the body, legs brought together. We perform a jump, we spread our legs to the sides, with our hands we clap above our heads. We perform inhalation and exhalation jumps, the pace should be average.

Burpee or Burpee

Considered a professional aerobic exercise, it will be difficult to perform at first until the body gets used to the pace and load. Most effective for weight loss and muscle training. The load falls on all the muscles of the body in a complex, using alternately: abdominal muscles, triceps and pectoral muscles, gluteal quadriceps, hamstrings.

How to do it

  1. Starting position: standing, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Incomplete squat: squat down, place your hands on the floor with your palms so that your elbows touch the inside of the knee. We do not complete the squat so that the legs bend at the knees. We jump back with our feet and take the following pose.
  3. Making a plank: the back is straight, the gaze is fixed on the floor, we keep on our toes, the heels look up.
  4. We go down from the bar on the palms, to the bar on the elbows. Option: the bar on the elbows can be replaced with push-ups. We jump and return the legs to the palms, do a squat.
  5. We get into a position of an incomplete squat, we do not fully bend our knees, maintaining springiness.
  6. We take the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.
  7. Perform a jump, raise our hands and clap.

You can choose the time to complete, on average, performance increases after 10 minutes of Burpee or Burpee.

Burpee is considered the best and best among professional complexes that save time and do not give fat a chance to save in the body. Burpee fat burning exercises will allow you to achieve pumped abs, legs, arms and strengthen the muscular corset on the back.


Folding like a bud or the exercise "Folding Knife"

Advanced exercise "Jack Knife" will help to get rid of fat on the stomach and sides, aimed at the rectus abs.

How to do it

vsego-3-uprazhneniya-dlya-szhiganiya-zhira-minus-1000-kalorij-za-trenirovku Starting position: lie on the floor, arms behind your head and legs straight and even. Important: hands and feet should not touch the floor during the entire complex of this exercise.

We follow the inhalation and exhalation. On exhalation, we twist and move our arms, torso and legs simultaneously up, in the middle the limbs should meet. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. When moving up, both arms and legs are strictly straight.

You can choose several execution methods for yourself.

First option. Perform 5-10 times of each exercise for several runs, taking breaks between runs (5 minutes), so that in the end a one-hour workout is achieved.

Second option. We perform exercises for burning fat one after another, without calls. That is, first we do Jumps, then Burpees, and after the "Folding Knife", devoting time to each for 20 minutes, or 15 minutes, diluted with a rest of 5 minutes.

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