Выделение мокроты в горле: что делать и с чем связано

Sputum in the throat is secreted in diseases of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and other systemic ailments. Sputum production does not always mean SARS or bronchitis. You can find out the origin of the secret and the disease, characterized by profuse sputum production, after examining the mucus in the laboratory.

To deal with a lump in the throat and a cough, you will have to figure out the possible causes of the accumulation of mucus in the throat. Read on estet-portal.com about the causes of phlegm in the throat.

Mechanism of mucus formation in the throat

The surface of the pharynx is lined with epithelium, the cells of which are capable of producing a secret – sputum.  This colorless substance is able to moisten the throat and prevent injury.

Sputum is also produced by the mucous membrane of the nose, trachea, and bronchi. The liquid substance prevents the mucous membrane from drying out, envelops it and contains immune cells that filter the entry of viruses into the respiratory tract. When immunity is reduced and an additional defense system is required, sputum increases in volume and protects the body from viruses, bacteria, foreign bodies and allergens. 


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Sputum in the throat consists of several components: water, saliva and mucus from the nasopharynx, sinuses. When the amount of sputum increases, a lump collects in the throat, which irritates the mucous membrane and makes you want to cough it up. Sputum production is accompanied by a runny nose and sore throat.

What causes sputum in the throat

Factors that provoke the appearance of sputum and its discharge are of different origin and differ in localization.

Disorders of the respiratory system

  1. Bronchitis – the spread of a viral or bacterial infection in the respiratory tract with the involvement of the bronchi. It is characterized by cough, accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, runny nose, fever. It can occur in acute and chronic form. Frequent coughing and constant sputum production can signal precisely the course of this disease.

  2. Bronchial asthma – inflammation of the airways, in which a large amount of sputum is produced, preventing normal breathing. The disease is accompanied by asthma attacks, cough, shortness of breath. The accumulation of phlegm in the throat occurs most often after an emotional change, after physical exertion, or in the presence of allergens.

  3. Pneumonia or pneumonia is an inflammatory process in the lungs that affects the alveoli and interstitial tissues of the lung. The disease is accompanied by trembling, fever, pain in the chest, under the shoulder blades, cough with thick sputum, rapid breathing.

  4. Laryngitis can be an independent disease and means inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Or be a concomitant factor in diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough. Laryngitis is characterized by low sputum production and frequent choking cough.

  5. Obstructive bronchitis and changes in chromosomes in the genetic code: in the process of changing the chromosome structure, the lung framework suffers and leads to the development of obstructions. In obstructive bronchitis, under the influence of inflammation, the lumen of the lungs narrows, causing difficulty in inhaling and exhaling.

  6. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that affects the lungs. It is caused by mycobacterium or Koch's bacillus. It is characterized by severe cough, hemoptysis and sputum discharge, weakness, weight loss, fever and sweating.


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Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

One of these diseases is pharyngolaryngeal reflux – ingestion of food debris from the esophagus or duodenum into the larynx. The contents of the stomach irritate the mucous membrane and cause coughing. This disease is accompanied by hoarseness, heartburn, a lump in the throat and cough, as well as sputum production.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

When the heart and circulatory system are affected, very little sputum is produced, but patients feel a lump in the throat and there are frequent coughing fits.

Other factors in the appearance of phlegm in the throat:

  • tobacco smoking – with smoker's bronchitis the patient often coughs and expectorates sputum;
  • professional factors: expectoration of sputum upon contact with industrial aerosols, combustion products.

Sputum production has been linked to a variety of diseases and lifestyles. To get rid of an annoying cough and the presence of sputum in the throat, you should undergo an examination and find out the cause of this symptom. And only then begin complex therapy aimed at getting rid of mucus and other associated symptoms.

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