Взять за «холку»: как избавиться от нароста на шее

The growth of tissues that over the years are deposited at the base of the neck, at the place of displacement of the vertebrae, form a small hump, which is popularly called "widow"; or "withers". Masseurs assure: it is here that salts are deposited, which cause frequent headaches. And they offer the only true means of getting rid of the "salt mines" — physical exercises coupled with massaging the zone.

But time passes, and the ill-fated "withers" appears again. It is not difficult to explain its origin: sedentary lifestyle, improper load on the neck, stoop. And yet there are ways to get rid of it once and for all.

"Withers" — a harbinger of cervical osteochondrosis

"Withers" not as harmless as many mistakenly think. It indicates damage to the muscles of the collar zone, from which one of the most complex diseases begins — osteochondrosis of the cervical region. Resigned to his appearance, you can forever doom yourself to headaches, chest or neck pain, numbness of the hands.
In the early stages of the "withers" it just doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing, but in the future it can cause vascular syndrome and severe pain.

Causes of "withers" on the neck:

  • physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • posture disorder;
  • nervous overload.

Before you start getting rid of the "withers", you should make sure that  this is it, and not something else.   

Symptomatics of "withers":

  • crunching during head rotation;
  • pain in the back of the head and neck;
  • dizziness;
  • tingling, burning, numbness of the neck;
  • hand weakness.

Special exercises and massage: checkmate at the withers

The most effective method of getting rid of a build-up on the neck is massage. It is also the best way to prevent "nape". It should be carried out twice a year by an experienced specialist who knows the features of massaging this zone. Massage techniques include stretching the deep muscles of the neck and their subsequent toning, which helps to soften the "withers"; and improve overall well-being.

  • At home, you can get a massage with a roller massager.
  • Before the massage, you should take a relaxing bath with the addition of herbal decoction.

Exercise performed daily helps to strengthen the muscular corset and prevent the appearance of "withers". If it already exists, it is worth including active movements with the shoulder blades in the complex, — salts are collected under them.

Therapeutic exercise consists of simple exercises: reduce and spread the shoulder blades, rotate your arms, bend your back. 

  • Do the exercises slowly. With active stirring, salts can cause & nbsp; nausea, dizziness, increased blood pressure.
  • In the acute stage of the disease, as well as pain in the neck, gymnastics is prohibited.

Exercise "Wall". Stand with your back to the wall, touching the back of your head, back, buttocks and heels with it, and stand like this for one to two minutes. Gradually increase the execution time.
You can complicate the task. Having touched the “tuft”, slowly sit down, touching the neck with the wall. After that, gently push yourself up.

The right lifestyle will help

  • Sit straight at the table with your feet flat on the floor and your legs bent at a right angle.
  • Take a break every hour and exercise.
  • More walk in the fresh air, play sports.
  • Set up a sleeping place: the pillow should not be high, and the mattress — soft.

Compresses, water and proper nutrition against salt deposits   

Compresses — another way against the deposition of salts in the cervical spine.

Honey. Take equal amounts of chalk and alcohol (1/4 cup each), mix. Put the resulting compress on the neck, and then wrap it up.

Clay. Form a plate from clay, wrap in cotton cloth and attach to the neck for 1 hour.

Castor. In 1/3 cup of castor oil, add 20 drops of propolis. Shake well. The resulting infusion is rubbed into the neck several times a day, massaging it along the way.
Water procedures. Wiping with a wet towel breaks up salt deposits.    It is also good to direct the jet of water to the problem area during the shower.

Food. The presence of deposits already suggests that salt intake should be reduced to nothing. Refuse spicy, salty foods, as well as sweets. The diet should be dominated by vegetables. And be sure to drink plenty of plain clean water.

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