Free radical damage to human cells – one of the components of the aging process. Active fight against free radicals is carried out by antioxidants, one of the best sources of which is a small red berry – cranberry. This "sour ball" (this is how the name of cranberry is translated from Latin) takes pride of place in the list of the most healthy foods. Today, will tell you what cranberries are useful for, what causes their benefits to the body, and whether it is possible to overdo it with the use of this berry.

What is useful cranberry – tell the useful substances in the composition of the berry

Cranberries can be consumed fresh, frozen, dried, as well as in the form of juices, sauces, jellies, teas, added to various dishes for taste and beauty. A large number of phytochemical elements, as well as a small amount of calories and scanty – sugar and fat – partial answer to the question, what is the use of cranberries.

  1. Proanthocyanidin provides "antioxidant power" cranberries, in the content of this antioxidant it simply has no equal.
  2. A cup of fresh cranberries – that's only 46 calories.
  3. Electrolytes, including potassium and sodium, are well balanced in cranberries.
  4. Low glycemic index (for diabetics).

A cup of cranberries also contains the following percentages of daily value of vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamin C – 24%;
  • magnesium – 20%;
  • dietary fiber – 18%;
  • vitamin E – 8%;
  • copper – 7%;
  • vitamin K – 6%;
  • vitamin B5 – 6%.

The most powerful phytochemicals in cranberries:

  1. Anthocyanins – destroy free radicals, promote weight loss, lower cholesterol, help fight breast cancer.
  2. Querticin – anti-inflammatory phytochemical element that can reduce allergic reactions, relieves joint pain, inflammation in the walls of arteries.
  3. Benzoic acid – powerful antiseptic, reduces the risk of infection, destroys pathogenic bacteria and helps get rid of acne, urinary tract infections.
  4. Epicatechins – reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Next, we will talk about how cranberries are useful for different systems and organs of the human body.

What is the use of cranberries for the genitourinary & nbsp; and digestive system?

  1. Cranberry – the best way to prevent infections of the genitourinary system, because it kills the main cause of their occurrence – coli. Just 1–2 cups of 100% sugar-free fresh cranberry juice will prevent the above infections.
  2. The cleansing, antidiarrheal, antiseptic and diuretic properties of cranberries help the body to eliminate existing toxins and prevent their accumulation in the future. In addition, cranberries perfectly cope with the problem of bloating and prevent stagnation of water in the body. Cranberries can optimize the balance of bacteria in the digestive system – this ability of the berry can be compared with the action of probiotics, which, by the way, cost a lot. The result: less constipation, diarrhea, stomach acidity and increased absorption of nutrients.

What is the use of cranberries for the cardiovascular system?

The benefits of cranberries for this system are the combination of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals. A cup of cranberries a day – and two enzymes that cause heart disease are neutralized! Cranberries block the activity of a pro-inflammatory molecule called tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha).

Cranberry's antioxidant properties have also been credited with reducing markers of heart disease, including high blood pressure and skyrocketing cholesterol levels. Cranberries dilate blood vessels, fight inflammation and improve blood circulation. For the cardiovascular system, it is better to consume whole fresh cranberries.


How is cranberry useful for the immune system?

Proanthocyanidins explain the immune benefits of cranberries: these polyphenols boost immunity and help the immune system fight disease. Proanthocyanidins have a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa, as a result of which it is much more difficult for viruses and bacteria to survive in unfavorable conditions for them.

A unique trio of antioxidants – resveratrol, piceatannol and pterostilbene, absorbed together with magnesium and vitamin C, works only when raw cranberries are consumed. Therefore, the fresher the berry, the stronger its antioxidant properties and the greater the benefit to the immune system.

What is the use of cranberries in the fight against inflammation and cancer?

The inflammatory process has been called the root cause of heart disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, and diabetes. Anti-inflammatory foods, including cranberries, help fight inflammation naturally. 

Inflammation – the result of the inability of the immune system to cope with toxins that enter the body with food and from the outside in a timely manner. Cranberries help fight free radicals, which are the "waste" daily activities of the body, invisible to the naked eye.

Prevention of breast, rectal, lung and prostate cancer – that's why cranberries are useful due to their unique properties already listed above.

Now that we've found out what cranberries are good for, it's worth mentioning the warnings associated with their use:

  1. Cranberries can interact with warfarin (an anticoagulant) and cause bleeding.
  2. Cranberries can cause kidney stones.
  3. Abuse of any product can cause health problems. recalls that oxidative stress is directly related to age-related diseases. Poor nutrition, mental stress and adverse environmental conditions – all these factors contribute to aging, inflammation, aging and various diseases. Cranberries will help to partially neutralize the impact of these factors – berry of youth, beauty and health.

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