Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the canal of the spinal column, resulting in increased pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. About 75% of all cases of spinal stenosis occur in the lower back (i.e., affect the lumbar spine). In most cases, the part of the spine where spinal stenosis occurs can cause pain in the back of the leg.

Main causes of spinal stenosis

1. Aging. As we age, the ligaments (strong connective tissue between the bones in the spine) can thicken. Osteophytes (small outgrowths) can form on the bones and penetrate the spinal canal, shock-absorbing discs between the vertebrae can be damaged. The facet joints (the flat surfaces that form the spinal column on each vertebra) can also collapse. All these factors contribute to narrowing in the spine.

2. Arthritis. The spine can be affected by two forms of arthritis – osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Heredity. If the spinal canal is small from birth, the symptoms of spinal stenosis may appear quite early – at a relatively young age. Structural deformities of the vertebrae can cause narrowing of the spinal canal.

4. Spondylolisthesis (displacement of a vertebra): when one vertebra slips onto another, a narrowing of the spinal canal can occur.

5. Spinal tumors. Abnormal soft tissue outgrowths can directly impinge on the spinal canal, leading to inflammation or tissue penetration into the canal. The overgrowth of tissue can subsequently lead to bone resorption (loss of bone tissue due to overactivity of certain bone cells) or displacement of the bones and subsequent loss of support for the spinal column.

6. Injuries. Injuries can result in either displacement of the spine and spinal canal, or explosive fractures that cause bone fragments to enter the canal.


Warning symptoms of spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis can – one of the causes of pain in the lower back and legs. Stenosis can pinch the nerves that control muscle strength and leg sensation. Along with the main symptom, the following additional signs of this type of stenosis may appear:

• frequent falls, general clumsiness;
• pain and difficulty walking;
• numbness and/or tingling in the legs;
• feeling of coldness and burning in the legs.

Diagnosis of spinal stenosis

Due to the fact that the symptoms of spinal stenosis can also indicate the presence of a number of other diseases, diagnosing spinal stenosis is often difficult. The most striking sign of spinal stenosis is the presence of symptoms that appear on the legs.

Treatment of spinal nerve stenosis

There are several ways to treat spinal stenosis. The choice of a suitable method is carried out based on the stage of stenosis. In the initial stages, it is quite possible to do without the operation:
1. Change in body position. People with spinal stenosis can relieve symptoms by leaning forward. Also useful is the following pose, when the knees are drawn to the chest.
2. Drug therapy. Sometimes pressure on the nerves is due to the presence of swelling due to inflammation. In this case, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, namely aspirin or ibuprofen, help.
3. Peace. In spinal nerve stenosis, rest is often recommended, followed by a gradual increase in activity. Especially useful in such cases are aerobic exercises, incl. a ride on the bicycle.
4. Operation. If other methods of relieving pain from spinal nerve stenosis fail, surgery is done to relieve pressure on the nerves.

Estet-portal reminds you that self-treatment can be dangerous for your health. Therefore, in the event of the appearance of the described symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will identify the cause of their appearance, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment based on your condition.

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