Allergies in the fall cause many problems, but they are suppressed by selecting adequate treatment, in parallel with identifying and correcting the approach to combating the root cause – allergen. It is the identification of the allergen that is the main task of diagnosis, because without this "link" it is difficult to achieve a stable therapeutic remission.

How to draw up a therapeutic scheme, what doctors pay attention to, what drugs to prescribe in the first place and about methods of non-drug therapy, we will tell in this article

Allergies in the fall: a list of the main allergens

The beginning of autumn, when nature is preparing for a long winter rest, the peak of allergies passes. But this does not mean that the incidence of "feeds" to zero. We list the main allergens in the fall, namely in September:

  1. Agbrosia, weeds (halloween, nettle, quinoa), gourds,
  2. Mold fungi (alternaria, aspergillus, cladosporium), dust mite. Mold spores are found in damp and dark places, wet fallen leaves. The dust mite settles in apartments,
  3. Insect bites,
  4. Food allergens.

In people who are particularly sensitive to the sun,  there is an allergy in autumn to sunlight. The frequency of this type of allergic reaction is somewhat reduced compared to the summer months, but new cases of morbidity continue to be recorded. At the end of October and in November, a cold allergy appears.

In the last months of autumn, an allergy to wool appears. This becomes a big problem, because we wear warm clothes. At the beginning of the school year, children register a pathological reaction to chalk and printing inks, which makes it difficult to attend school and master the educational material in full.

Autumn allergic reactions in pregnant women

In the incidence statistics, an allergy in the fall in pregnant women stands out. This is an important period for women, therefore they carefully avoid eating peanuts, pumpkins, eggs, milk. Compliance with nutritional recommendations will help improve a woman’s condition not only during toxicosis, but also pass the autumn period without hindrance and not “catch” allergen.

Doctor's task – conduct a confidential conversation with the pregnant woman, explaining the essence of the problem and inclining her to comply with certain restrictions. Sometimes this becomes a difficult task, but the doctor must find the right arguments. Patients with burdened heredity require special attention.


Medication options and a list of drugs of choice

If an allergy is diagnosed in the fall, medications are used to suppress the pathological reaction, therefore, antihistamine and antipruritic drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments, syrups, suppositories.

Additionally write:

  • Enterosorbents in case of manifestation of food allergy,
  • drugs for pregnant women only for health reasons, only a doctor prescribes drug therapy, self-medication is prohibited, since many medicines have a teratogenic effect, negatively affecting the formation of the fetus,
  • nasal corticosteroids,
  • prescription corticosteroids, but only in severe cases,
  • decongestants,
  • Eye drops.

Important to know: What symptoms of Quincke's edema require immediate intervention

Non-drug methods of dealing with allergies in the fall

There are many ways to minimize or avoid exposure to an allergen. For example, when diagnosing polynosis, advise the patient to postpone walks during the rain, and if he reacts to molds, then you need to walk only at lunchtime or on sunny days. If the wind is strong, it is better to stay at home. Climatic equipment with the function "air washing" serves as a good way to prevent the appearance of allergies in the fall.

Cold allergy canopy (cold urticaria, Urtica) is to be "tamed". Before going outside, open areas of the skin are smeared with a greasy cream (in children - baby cream), badger fat. It is necessary to wear long gloves, hoods, warm scarves, hats that cover the ears and forehead. If there are no decompensated liver pathologies, then 40 minutes before the intended walk, they drink a tablespoon of animal fat.

Physiotherapy treatment of allergic reactions in autumn

Today there are no known physiotherapeutic procedures related to the means of specific desensitization. But electromagnetic fields with a decimeter range are a method for non-specific hyposensitization. The complex of therapeutic measures consists of calcium-, magnesium-, bromine-electrophoresis exclusively on the collar region, using the technique according to Shcherbakov or Vermel. Ultraphonophoresis, general UV irradiation and hydrotherapy are prescribed. The attending physician should explain the importance of physiotherapy during the relative remission of allergies in the fall.

Read also: Is there an allergy after using hyaluronic acid: causes of trouble

In order to effectively fight allergies, it is important not to forget about physical exercises that strengthen the immune system! Repeat after trainer:

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