Every cosmetologist knows that today there are a huge number of various chemical peels, and it is often quite difficult to choose among them. When it comes to superficial skin cleansing – Each patient wants to get a pronounced result with minimal damage to the skin. Of particular concern to visitors to beauty parlors who decide to undergo chemical peeling is the issue of recovery after  this procedure. Today estet-portal.com talks about phytin peeling – an effective technique that allows you to gently cleanse the skin of dead cells and impurities. Find out all the features of this procedure right now.

Phytin peeling: features of a facial cleansing procedure

Phytin peeling is one of the most gentle superficial chemical peels for facial skin.

The main active ingredient of the peeling mixture is phytic acid, which is extracted from rice or wheat seeds.

Phytic acid has a very gentle effect on the skin, exfoliating dead cells of the stratum corneum and improving its properties and appearance. The procedure is absolutely painless, while it has a pronounced effect of cleansing the skin of the face. In addition, after phytin peeling, the patient does not need a long recovery period and the use of special post-peeling agents.

Phytin Peeling:

  • indications for phytic skin peeling;
  • features of the phytic peeling procedure;
  • The benefits of phytic peeling over other chemical peels.

Indications for phytic skin peeling

Phytin peeling can be indicated for patients who have the following skin problems:

  • uneven relief of the skin and uneven skin color;
  • pigmented spots on the skin of the face;
  • enlarged pores, comedones and excessive sebum production;
  • small wrinkles on the skin of the face.

In addition, phytic acid in the composition of phytic peeling accelerates the metabolism in the skin, improves immunity and regenerative properties of the skin, and also stimulates the work of fibroblasts and promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis. All this provides a pronounced cleansing and rejuvenating effect after phytin peeling.

Features of the phytin peeling procedure

The phytic peeling procedure consists in applying a peeling composition with phytic acid to the skin, previously cleansed of impurities and cosmetics, for no more than 15 minutes. The process of keeping the peeling mixture on the skin is absolutely painless, the patient does not even feel burning or itching in the treated area. Phytic acid can be used in combination with succinic or tartaric acids, which increase the effectiveness of the peel. The phytin peeling procedure has no age restrictions and can be performed for owners of various skin types.


The advantages of phytic peeling over other chemical peels

Phytine peel has important advantages over other chemical peels. First of all, it is the absolute painlessness of the procedure, and the absence of any discomfort during its implementation. The short recovery period makes phytin peeling especially popular among patients, in addition, the procedure can be performed at any time of the year.

The patient can see the effect of cleansing and rejuvenation of the facial skin after the first session of phytin peeling.

If a cycle of 4-6 procedures is performed  - the pronounced effect lasts up to 3 months after the procedure. Estet-portal.com thanks you for your attention. For more interesting articles about skin cleansing, see the "Cosmetology" section.

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