Гранулы Фордайса: вариант нормы или патология

Fordyce Granules – formations that can most often be found on the lips, around the mouth, in the armpits and genitals. The cause of their occurrence is not known, however, these granules can be found in almost every third person.

When placed on the face or lips, the granules can cause serious aesthetic discomfort. Whether it is worth treating Fordyce granules with caution, or taking them as a normal phenomenon, as well as what methods are used to remove these formations, read on estet-portal.com in this article.

The main features of the manifestation of Fordyce granules

Fordyce granules are superficial sebaceous glands that are visualized under the skin. There are two main types of Fordyce pellets:

  • pearl-colored papules of the penis;
  • Fox-Fordyce disease, which affects the female genital organs.

Given the relationship between the appearance of these granules with the onset of puberty, we can assume the endocrine nature of the disease. However, since Fordyce granules are found in almost every third woman and every second man, it may be more correct to perceive them not as a pathology, but as an anatomical feature.  

Basic mechanisms for the formation of Fordyce granules

Fordyce granules most often occur during puberty, as hormones stimulate sebum production.

Changes in hormonal levels provoke an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which makes Fordyce granules more noticeable.

Probably, the appearance of these formations has genetic prerequisites, since the sebaceous glands of people with Fordyce granules are located either atypically, for example, in the red border of the lips, or more superficially than in people without this pathology.

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The main differences between Fordyce granules and seborrhea

Cysts that can form with seborrhea may resemble Fordyce granules, however, the pathogenesis of their occurrence is completely different. With seborrheic dermatitis, the outflow of sebum is disturbed, as a result of which cysts form.

The main features distinguishing Fordyce granules from seborrhea:

  • Fordyce granules are characterized by small sizes;
  • granules have a denser content than cysts in seborrhea;
  • the formations are located in groups around the mouth, in the armpits and genitals.

These formations are not dangerous to health, however, if you try to remove them yourself, the granule can be traumatized and the inflammatory process develops.

Fordyce granules: effective methods of treatment

Fordyce granules do not require treatment, as they are only a cosmetic manifestation of the superficial location of the sebaceous glands. However, they can be removed with a laser, or by puncturing the formations. Also, the treatment of Fordyce granules may include the use of topical tretionin.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate Fordyce granules.

But, the most important thing for the doctor when these granules appear is to explain to the patient that they are absolutely normal and do not require treatment without special need.

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