Ichthyosis is a hereditary skin disease that has a course similar to dermatosis. Ichthyosis is manifested by the presence of scales on the skin, resembling fish scales. The reason for this violation of keratinization of the skin is a gene mutation. It was found that a strong violation of the metabolism of cholesterol and proteins leads to a gene mutation. Treatment of ichthyosis is symptomatic.

In the spring and summer, the patient's condition improves significantly, but in the autumn the disease progresses rapidly again. What are the treatments for ichthyosis? What should a patient with ichthyosis know?

What drugs are used for the symptomatic treatment of ichthyosis?

Read more about causes and clinical manifestations of ichthyosis in our previous article. As a rule, the treatment of ichthyosis of the skin is long, which is explained by the chronic and monotonous course of the disease.

The first step in the treatment of ichthyosis at home should be exfoliation of keratinized scales from the surface of the skin.

v-chem-sostoit-simptomaticheskoe-lechenie-ikhtiozaIt is necessary to take a warm bath daily, followed by rubbing the skin with emollients: 1% salicylic vaseline, vaseline oil mixed with lanolin, fatty creams. What medications are used to treat ichthyosis, estet-portal.com knows. salt baths with sodium chloride are effective.

Symptomatic treatment of ichthyosis:

  • Intake retinol (vitamin A) orally 50,000-100,000 IU for adults and 5,000-10,000-20,000 IU for children per day with meals in combination with tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) 7 each -10 mg per day for 2-3 months.
  • Rubbing into the skin of retinol in the form of an oil solution, retinoic ointment 05-0.1% twice a day for 4-12 weeks.
  • Injections of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) IM 200 mcg every other day for 2 months, then take a break for 1-2 months and repeat the course of treatment.
  • Lubricating the skin with creams containing 10-15% urea.

Physiotherapy treatment of ichthyosis in summertime

In summer, solar irradiation (heliotherapy), balneotherapy is recommended, in winter — ultraviolet irradiation (30 sessions daily with breaks for 1 month). Effective oxygenotherapy in the form of oxygen baths, combined treatment of skin ichthyosis with oxygen, ultraviolet rays. In case of severe and prolonged course of ichthyosis, hormonal treatment is used in the form of ointments and perios.

It will be useful to visit seaside resorts several times a year – a warm and humid climate can lead to complete healing of scales on the skin or to remission for a long time.

Regular use of moisturizers – the main rule in the treatment of ichthyosis!  

What should a patient with ichthyosis know?

Preventive measures do not exclude or replace treatment, however, if certain rules are observed, it is possible to extend the remission period and improve the patient's condition for a long time. In warm and humid climates, symptoms may be milder or disappear altogether, so make sure you have a humidifier at home and at work. estet-portal.com. in the treatment of ichthyosis and after treatment, it is recommended to take a shower with cool water, since hot water dries the skin. It is better to use only special gels and shampoos for washing, tar soap. Moisturizers and emulsions should be applied immediately after washing to damp skin, and deodorants should be avoided.

It is important to consult a psychotherapist, as often mental disorders, stress, inability to adapt to difficult social and life situations can be hidden under the guise of such skin diseases as psoriasis, ichthyosis, neurodermatitis.

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