Иван Трещак: лазерная терапия в лечении генитоуринарного менопаузального синдрома

During the menopausal period, the female body is especially vulnerable, which is largely due to a lack of estrogen in the body. The changes affect all body systems, but organs united in the genitourinary zone are especially sensitive to hormonal abnormalities.

The use of hormone therapy and fractional CO2 laser for the effective treatment of genitourinary menopausal syndrome was told specifically for estet-portal.com by a gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, a member of the European Association of Aesthetic Gynecology Ivan Treshchak.

What is genitourinary menopausal syndrome?

I.T.: Genitourinary menopausal syndrome is a new term adopted by the International Society of Physicians to replace the syndrome formerly called atrophic vulvovaginitis.

The main goal of these changes was to combine urological and gynecological diseases into one syndrome in order to develop a common treatment strategy.

Genito-urinary menopausal syndrome occurs due to physiological changes resulting from a drop in estrogen levels.

Treatment of genitourinary menopausal syndrome includes restoration of hormonal levels, as well as resumption of density and blood supply to the tissues of the genitourinary zone.

Is a combination of hormone therapy and hardware techniques always used?

I.T.: Of course, the combination of hormone therapy and hardware rejuvenation techniques allows you to get a more pronounced and lasting result. 

However, many patients, for one reason or another, are unable or unwilling to take hormone therapy. In addition, there are contraindications to its use, which include cancer, liver disease, and the risk of thromboembolic complications.

For such patients, we offer alternative methods and, as one of the most advanced – rejuvenation with CO2 fractional laser. Laser technologies can also be combined with PRP therapy (plasmolifting) and the use of special density dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

How does a fractional CO2 laser affect tissue?

I.T.: The use of a laser involves the use of high energy technologies. They have a low damaging ability, since ultrashort pulses of laser radiation are used to work with tissues.

Due to the impact on the tissues of small damaging agents, we manage not to "burn" cells, but to activate the mechanisms for improving trophism and blood supply.

As a result, a sufficient amount of fluid accumulates in the tissues, collagen formation improves, and the epithelium thickens, which, due to this, becomes less vulnerable.

Due to the fractional effect of the laser, tissues are rejuvenated, they become more dense and elastic.

Using this state of the art technique, the physician must carefully select indications for each individual patient.

It is also necessary to remember about contraindications to the appointment of laser rejuvenation, which include inflammatory diseases, suspicion of the development of an oncological process and severe general diseases.

Only by ensuring the complete safety of the procedure, we will be able to fully use the achievements of medical science for the benefit of our patients.

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