Как бороться с предменструальным синдромом

According to current data, 85% of women experience at least one symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) every month. Experts do not know for sure what causes this disorder, but a large role in the development of PMS is given to the hormonal background, the emotional state of the woman, as well as nutrition and lifestyle.

Due to the prevalence of this problem, there are many ways to deal with premenstrual syndrome, ranging from psychotherapy to the appointment of hormonal drugs. Read more about the most effective methods of treatment for PMS on estet-portal.com in this article.

The main manifestations of premenstrual syndrome

Each woman experiences PMS in her own way, and is most often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, headaches, and all sorts of general disorders.

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The most common signs of premenstrual syndrome include:

•    anxiety;

•    depression;

•    distracted attention;

•    feeling tired;

•    irritability;

•    loss of interest in mining;

•    mood swings;

•    sleep problems.

More than 5% of women have symptoms of PMS so severe that they are classified as premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which causes discomfort not only for the woman herself, but also causes problems at work and in the family.

Deficiency of what substances provokes the development of premenstrual syndrome

Correction of lifestyle to combat premenstrual syndrome

To relieve the symptoms of PMS, experts suggest focusing on lifestyle changes first. It is necessary to increase the amount of sleep, control the level of stress, and most importantly – monitor nutrition. To reduce the severity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome from your diet, you should exclude:

•    alcohol;

•    caffeine;

•    table salt;

•    sugar and artificial sweeteners.

It is very important to find out what causes the patient the most irritation in order to control the impact of these provoking factors in the future.

The best effect in the fight against premenstrual syndrome is physical exercise.

Experts recommend focusing on yoga as this type of physical activity allows you to achieve the greatest relaxation, which reduces irritability, anxiety and sleep problems.

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The main drugs to eliminate the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome

In many women, the pronounced symptoms of PMS are associated with a violation in the ratio of sex hormones. In this regard, the appointment of hormonal contraceptives very often gives a positive effect in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. However, one should not forget about the side effects of these drugs, and before prescribing, weigh all the pros and cons of their use.

Folic acid and calcium supplementation can help reduce symptoms of PMS. To combat severe manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, antidepressants are used - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics help only symptomatically. However, when no other means are at hand – they have no price.

Read also: Premenstrual syndrome: the most effective treatment approaches

Alternative ways to manage PMS symptoms

Among alternative methods of dealing with premenstrual syndrome, the most popular is the intake of fish oil, food or drugs containing fatty acids. The highest concentration of omega acids is found in eggs, nuts, vegetable oils and fish.

There is some evidence that soy products, such as tofu, can help reduce PMS symptoms.

Herbs and phytonutrients may also be helpful. However, their use is not based on evidence, and therefore the doctor should be careful when prescribing these supplements.

Another alternative method of dealing with PMS – this is acupuncture, the main task of which is – achieve relaxation of the patient.

Thus, by combining drug treatment with lifestyle modification, it is possible to achieve a stable reduction in the severity of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

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