Почему развивается актиномикотическое воспаление слюнных желез

Human nature is designed in such a way that inflammation can develop in all structures and organs.

In the process of inflammation, the body tries to cleanse itself of pathogenic microorganisms, provoking the five main signs of inflammation:

  • skin redness;
  • pain;
  • edema;
  • function violation;
  • Temperature increase.

The inflammatory process can also develop in the salivary gland. It is provoked by a bacterium such as Actinomycete.

Then inflammation of the salivary glands is called actinomycotic sialadenitis.

Let's take a closer look at estet-portal.com causes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods and principles of treatment of this pathology.

Causes of actinomycotic inflammation of the salivary glands

Actinomycotic sialoadenitis is also called radio-fungal disease because actinomycetes have the properties of fungi to form mycelium.

Actinomycete in most cases affects the maxillofacial part, and less often the salivary glands.

Men are more likely to get sick at a young age.

In a normal state, everyone in the body has actinomycetes, which are opportunistic pathogens.

They live in the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract, multiplying under favorable conditions for themselves - decreased immunity.

Often the body's defenses are weakened by:

  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • SARS;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • oncological processes.
Foci and at the same time sources of infection in actinomycotic inflammation of the salivary glands are periodontitis, otitis media, sinusitis, fungal tonsillitis or caries.

As you can see, more often dental pathologies are a risk factor for the development of actinomycotic inflammation of the salivary glands, since actinomycetes are found in large numbers in dental deposits, carious teeth and periodontal pockets.

When the salivary gland is traumatized, actinomycetes can enter through its passageapprox.

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Characteristic tissue changes in actinomycotic sialadenitis

Bacteria can enter the salivary gland tissue by lymphogenic, contact and hematogenous routes.

Actinomycosis granuloma (actinomycoma) is formed between the lobules of the gland, inflammatory infiltrate.

surrounds the mass of the gland

Changes in tissues may have a different character - proliferative or exudative, which depends on the factors of specific and nonspecific immunity.

A granuloma in actinomycotic inflammation of the salivary glands consists of drusen-colonies of actinomycetes.

The granuloma is surrounded by granulation tissue of fibroblasts, lymphatic cells, plasma and epithelioid cells, and newly formed capillaries.

This inflammation of the salivary glands is characterized by the appearance of xanthoma cells.

Cellular elements of the center of the granuloma die off. Then macrophages go to the drusen, collect particles of mycelium and transfer them to the surrounding tissues.

This is how children and secondary actinomycotic granulomass.

are formed

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Classification of actinomycotic inflammation of the salivary glands

Depending on the nature of the pathological process, there are several types of actinomycotic sialoadenitis:

1. Actinomycosis of the glandular lymph nodes is characterized by the presence of infiltrate and swelling.

In the beginning, the formation has a dense texture, later it becomes soft, soldering with the skin.

The process tends to spread and damage the connective tissue between the lobes of the glands. At the same time, the function of salivation is not impaired.

2. Productive (diffuse and limited) actinomycosis. This type of actinomycotic inflammation of the salivary glands can cover both the entire organ and its part.

According to the morphological picture, it can be seen that the inflammation has a proliferative character.

In the process of the body's struggle with the disease, a focal infiltrate and a protective barrier of cell elements appear.

3. Exudative (diffuse and limited) actinomycosis appears either in several lobes or in the entire salivary gland.

Exudative inflammation develops. This form of inflammation of the salivary glands is typical for people with immunodeficiency conditions.

Also, there are primary and secondary forms of actinomycosis sialoadenitis.

The primary form develops when there is an initial focus of infection in the gland, and the secondary appears when bacteria enter from the surrounding tissues. At the same time, a secondary granule ma.

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Dependence of the clinical picture on the type of inflammation of the salivary gland

The duration of the incubation period ranges from 2 days to 3 weeks.

More often the pathological process develops in large glands, less often the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands are affected.

Inflammation of the salivary glands lasts for several months.

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Clinical symptoms directly depend on the state of the immune system, the type of specific inflammation and localization.

When developing a productive form of inflammation of the salivary gland, a dense knot appears in it.

There is also pain on palpation, swelling, the salivary gland increases, the function of salivation decreases, and the saliva becomes very cloudy. The skin over the gland is of normal color.

In case of exudative actinomycosis the process develops slowly, a progressive induration is formed, the salivary gland periodically swells.

The patient feels itching, tingling and discomfort in the area of ​​the gland.

Saliva is produced little, it may contain purulent, flaky or mucous inclusions.

After some time, the salivary gland becomes soldered to the surrounding tissues, the skin over the gland turns red, the temperature rises, which is accompanied by pain.

After a few days, a softening area is formed in the gland, which contains pus with characteristic grains, which are called druses.

The limited exudative form of actinomycotic inflammation of the salivary glands is much easier than the diffuse one.

The purulent contents of the gland can exit through the duct in it, and can also break through the skin, forming a fistulous tract. This fistula may remain for a long time and spontaneously open periodically.

Inflammation of the salivary glands spreads with formation of secondary actinomycosis foci.

You can learn about possible complications of sialadenitis, as well as about the main diagnostic procedures and treatmentof actinomycotic inflammation of the salivary gland in our next article.

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