Как прийти в форму после праздников: возможности препарата Chronogenics HGH

Long multi-day holidays are characterized not only by the opportunity to relax and have fun. They are almost always associated with plentiful feasts, after which it is not easy to get in shape. It is especially difficult for those for whom it is important to maintain the sports results achieved before the holidays or simply to keep in shape. How to get in shape after long holidays, estet-portal.com can tell. To do this, you should use the biologically active additive Chronogenics HGH from Emettm.

How to get in shape with a bioactive food supplement

One of the most important chemical elements for the human body – it's nitrogen. Its compounds act on smooth muscles. We are talking about the muscles and the musculature of the blood vessels. Nitrogen compounds provide their expansion, allowing you to control blood pressure, blood supply to the muscles.

Excess nitrogen has an extremely unfavorable effect on the state of the body when it enters the body in large quantities as part of toxic substances – nitrites and nitrates.

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This happens after long holiday feasts with a lot of nutritionally unbalanced food. The consequence of excess nitrogen is an increase in the load on the liver and kidneys, impaired blood supply to muscle tissue. The use of bioactive food supplements, the components of which are able to bind and remove excess nitrogen, will help to correct the excessive accumulation of nitrogen in the body. One such supplement is Chronogenics HGH by Emettm.

How supplement consumers know how to get in shape after the holidays

The effectiveness of Chronogenics HGH supplements is explained by an ultra-modern scientific formula with a unique combination of amino acids, the main ones of which are — amino acid glutamine, L-Arginine and L-Lysine.

•    Glutamine. It is an amino acid, a neurotransmitter that transmits impulses in the central nervous system. Glutamine plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, it is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. Our muscles are 60% glutamine. The substance strengthens the immune system, binds excess nitrogen, accelerates recovery after training.
•    L-Arginine. Amino acid – one of the key metabolites in the processes of nitrogen metabolism. It has hepatoprotective properties. It is used to improve muscle nutrition. Stimulates the release of growth hormone, which affects the rejuvenation of the whole body, reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat.
•     L-Lysine. An essential amino acid that is part of any protein in the human body. It is necessary for the growth and repair of tissues, lowers the level of triglycerides in the blood serum. With a lack of lysine, fatigue increases, weakness, fatigue, inability to concentrate develop.

A special property of the Chronogenics HGH supplement is that it is able to naturally restore the production of human growth hormone to the level of youth (without suppressing its production) and prevent natural aging. Growth hormone blocks many of the destructive processes in the body that are characteristic of the post-holiday periods. It helps convert body fat into muscle mass, strengthens bones, improves the condition of almost all tissues and organs.

Chronogenics HGH Bioactive Supplement by Emettm – it is a highly effective and safe product, which is characterized by an ultra-modern scientific formula, is able to naturally restore the production of growth hormone, stimulate regenerative processes in tissues.


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