Eyes – this is a mirror of the soul, it is they that attract the most attention of the interlocutor, and any aesthetic defect associated with this zone significantly worsens the appearance of a person. One of such unpleasant aesthetic disorders is blepharoptosis – omission of the eyelid. This problem can be observed both from birth and occur at a certain age, but, regardless of this, it is she who often leads patients to plastic surgeons. In today's article on estet-portal.com, read about the main causes of blepharoptosis, as well as the most effective surgical methods for correcting this condition.

Blepharoptosis – a common reason for visiting plastic surgeons

The problem of blepharoptosis – this is a common occurrence in modern aesthetic surgery.

Ptosis of the eyelid is defined as a drooping of the upper eyelid more than 2 mm in relation to the iris.

This problem is not only aesthetic in nature: in some cases, it can be a symptom of a certain pathological process, and even lead to a persistent decrease in visual acuity, especially in children. That is why patients with blepharoptosis often turn to specialists for help, and the most effective method for correcting this condition is precisely surgery.


  • congenital and acquired causes of blepharoptosis;
  • characteristic symptoms of blepharoptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • effective surgical methods for the treatment of blepharoptosis.

Congenital and acquired causes of blepharoptosis

Blepharoptosis can be either congenital or acquired. In any case, there are a number of reasons for its occurrence. Congenital blepharoptosis occurs when:

  • Dwayne, Marcus-Gunn and Horner syndromes;
  • congenital myasthenia gravis and anomalies of levator innervation;
  • congenital paresis of the third pair of cranial nerves;
  • as an isolated drooping of the eyelid due to the absence or abnormal development of the levator tendon or tendon.

Acquired blepharoptosis may result from:

  • dystrophic changes and weakness of the muscular aponeurosis;
  • muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, blepharophimosis syndrome, ocular myopathies;
  • disorders of the innervation of the oculomotor nerve;
  • inflammatory and other pathological processes in the orbit, as well as various damage to this area;
  • as a complication after blepharoplasty.

Characteristic symptoms of blepharoptosis of the upper eyelid

Blepharoptosis of the upper eyelid is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms that accompany this condition:

  • Formation of wrinkles on the forehead and a slight raising of the eyebrows in an attempt to compensate for the drooping of the eyelid;
  • rapid onset of eye fatigue when they are stressed;
  • excessive tearing;
  • the need to make an effort to close your eyes;
  • with bilateral pathology – the formation of a sleepy facial expression;
  • the occurrence of strabismus and decreased visual acuity;
  • The patient also assumes a characteristic posture with a slight tilt of the head backwards to improve vision – this is the stargazer pose.


Effective surgical methods for the treatment of blepharoptosis

All surgical methods for the treatment of blepharoptosis can be divided into three main groups:

  • Hess technique – this is a surgical operation that is performed in the presence of paralysis of the superior rectus muscle and levator, but only with good functioning of the frontalis muscle. It consists in a longitudinal dissection of the skin in the middle of the eyebrow, which is separated, then three sutures are applied subcutaneously so that the threads pass through the thickness of the frontal muscle and tighten the eyelid. After 21 days, the threads are removed, and formed connective tissue strands remain in their place, raising the eyelid;
  • Eversbush method – consists in the formation of a fold on the tendon part of the levator. Especially common is the modification of the operation proposed by Blaszkowicz. The eyelid is turned out with the help of special devices, the conjunctiva is cut horizontally along the upper edge of the cartilaginous plate, three threads are passed through the upper edge of the incision. Next, the conjunctiva is separated from the levator eyelid muscle, and three sutures are also passed through it at the fixation site, and the threads are tied. Pulling the threads, the muscle is crossed at the point of attachment to the cartilage, separated into the depth of the orbit, the suture threads on the conjunctiva are passed through the levator muscle, and the cartilage is separated and excised from the orbicular muscle of the eye and excised, except for a small strip. Sutures placed on the mucous membrane of the eye and the levator muscle,
  • Mote technique – lies in the fact that, in the absence of paralysis of the superior rectus muscle, it enhances the function of the levator muscle. Rarely used as it is technically quite a complicated method.
Blepharoptosis significantly impairs the patient's quality of life, so the problem requires a radical solution.

Surgery – This is the most effective method for correcting blepharoptosis. estet-portal.com thanks you for your attention.

See also:

"How to solve the problem of ptosis of the upper eyelid after the introduction of botulinum toxin preparations".

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