Мелатонин как фактор защиты кожи от повреждений

The skin is an important strategic barrier between the environment and internal homeostasis. However, it also undergoes damage and degeneration, showing signs of aging and reflecting on itself the result of pathological processes. Melatonin is a neutralizer of active free radicals, with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, maintains mitochondrial homeostasis, thereby slowing down aging. The biochemical effect of melatonin at the level of the skin can provide an effective anti-aging strategy, as well as a therapeutic effect on vitiligo,

  • Melatonin as a skin protection factor against damage
  • Melatonin in the treatment of atopic dermatitis
  • Topical application of melatonin: results
Melatonin as a factor in protecting the skin from damage

The regenerative potential of tissues decreases with age due to changes in stem cell proliferation and differentiation. Damage caused by oxidative stress and  inflammation at the molecular level leads to a decrease in collagen production, while the epidermis becomes thinner and less resistant to external aggressors.

Read also: Slowdown of mitochondrial cell apoptosis

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Melatonin levels in skin cells are significantly higher than in plasma.

The melatonin molecule is able to pass through the lipid protective barrier of the skin, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, influence mitochondrial functions and affect 

the expression of certain genes.

Melatonin in the treatment of atopic dermatitis

The course of 

atopic dermatitis is often accompanied by sleep disturbances and nighttime itching. It has been reported that increased nighttime melatonin levels may be associated with milder disease and less severe symptoms.

Melatonin contributes to the normalization of the level of C-reactive protein in blood plasma, as well as the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IFN-γ.
It has been found that melatonin given orally can influence 

the course of atopic dermatitis by decreasing nighttime wakefulness, reducing scratching and modulating certain parameters of the immune system.  reductions IgE levels have also been reported with melatonin.

Read also: Circadian rhythms: impact on the immune response

Due to its 

degradation when first passing through the liver, its access to the skin is limited. Thus, in clinical dermatology, melatonin should topically apply to achieve the effect.

In the course of the studies, it turned out that melatonin is able to accumulate 

in the stratum corneum due to the long-term release from the skin integuments into the circulatory system.

Topical application of melatonin

One of the factors in the severity of the signs of aging is 

estrogen deficiency: reduction in the thickness of the epidermis and dermis, a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin.

Read also: Melatonin as an anti-aging factor

According to animal studies, topical application of melatonin to the skin increased the thickness of the epidermis and alsoincreased collagen and elastin production. An increase in fibroblast growth factor  (FGF-β), type I collagen and fibronectin was observed.


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Photo A - entry level. Photo B - after 3 months of topical melatonin (active products were applied on the left side). Photos taken from study.

To evaluate the 

anti-aging effectiveness of melatonin on the skin, researchers used day and night creams containing melatonin. As a result, the use of these formulations improved hydration and tone aging skin, the severity of creases and wrinkles compared to the control group, placebo.

Topical application of melatonin can also be used to treat

 alopecia. Melatonin combined with nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) shows high uptake efficiency and antioxidant potential in addition to sustained release. During the application of this complex in patients with  androgenetic alopecia hair loss decreased and their density and thickness increased.

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Trans-epidermal melatonin delivery is an effective strategy to maintain healthy and protect the skin from damage, to slow down the aging process and reduce its clinical signs.  At the mitochondrial level, melatonin is able to increase ATP production, regulate mitochondrial homeostasis, inhibit apoptosis, regenerate the epidermis and accelerate hair follicle growthTopically applied melatonin is also considered a UV protection factor.

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