Обследование при подозрении на бесплодие: какие этапы необходимо пройти паре

About 20% of married couples face the problem of infertility – these numbers are scary. A large number of sexual partners, promiscuity, various diseases of the reproductive system – all these factors often lead to the fact that young people's desire to start a family and have a child may remain an unrealizable dream.

An infertile marriage is defined as the absence of pregnancy in a couple of childbearing age for a year or more regular sexual life without the use of any method of contraception. On the basis of the inability to conceive a child, marriages collapse daily, and yet the problem can be solved quite simply: undergo an examination for infertility.

What examinations should be done if infertility is suspected

For many couples, the suspicion of infertility becomes a serious psychological problem. Young people can spend years trying to conceive a child, relying on fate and not seeking medical help. Constant stress and disappointment directly affect the relationship between spouses, and such marriages often break up. But timely contacting doctors and conducting an examination of partners for infertility helps to quickly identify the problem and successfully solve it, while saving the family and making each other happy.

Survey for infertility takes place in several stages, and it is necessary to examine both the husband and wife, because the problem can be found in both partners.

Infertility testing:

  • stages of examination of a man for infertility;
  • stages of examination of a woman for infertility;
  • postcoital test helps diagnose immunological infertility.

Stages of examination of a man for infertility

Examining a man for infertility is a much simpler process than examining a woman, so the diagnosis of infertility often begins with the exclusion of the pathological process of the male reproductive system. Diagnosis begins with semen analysis, since the absence of pathology at this stage does not require further research. Normal spermogram criteria are as follows:

  • sperm count in ejaculate – over 20 per 10⁶ ml;
  • sperm motility  - more than 25% motile spermatozoa after 60 minutes. after receiving ejaculate;
  • sperm morphology – at least 50% of normal spermatozoa;
  • ejaculate volume – at least 2 ml;
  • no agglutination;
  • normal semen viscosity;
  • acidity – 7.2-7.8;
  • leukocytes – not more than 1.0 X 10⁶  ml.

Stages of examination of a woman for infertility

The examination of a woman for infertility is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, standard studies are carried out, with the help of which it is possible to preliminarily diagnose the most common causes of female infertility: ovulation disorders, adhesive processes and gynecological diseases that affect the possibility of becoming pregnant.

To do this, the patient's anamnestic data are studied in detail and an objective examination is performed, including a bimanual gynecological examination and ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. After finding out the alleged cause of infertility, the second stage of diagnostics begins, aimed at a detailed study of the pathology. At this stage, the selection of studies is individual for each patient and may include various diagnostic methods.

Postcoital test helps diagnose immunological infertility

The postcoital test is a diagnostic method of infertility that allows to confirm or exclude the immune nature of the pathology. The postcoital test is performed after intercourse and makes it possible to assess the quality of the cervical mucus in a woman and the number of motile sperm of a man in her.  Immunological infertility during this test is indicated by the detection of antisperm antibodies.

If the spermatozoa in the cervical mucus are immobile or make pendulum movements – the test must be repeated. If the results obtained are doubtful or negative, it is necessary to use additional methods for diagnosing immunological infertility.

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