Itching significantly impairs the quality of human life. To diagnose the exact cause of itching, it is important not only the time of itching, but also localization, intensity and duration. Itching can be in any anatomical region of the body, and for good reason. For each pathology of a separate system of the body, a certain type of itching is characteristic. Find out how you can determine the affected system in the body by the presence of itching. 

Will the location be able to indicate the cause of the skin itch?

The appearance of itching in one anatomical area may indicate local causes of skin itching, the presence of symmetrical itching indicates internal causes. Itching sensations can have different shades - deep and superficial, tingling, burning, crawling. With prolonged presence of itching, scratching, pigmentation, excoriation, lichenification, scarring and pyoderma appear. Nails, in turn, take on the appearance of polished, their free edges are erased.

It is not for nothing that they say that there are no dermatological diseases as such, there are internal diseases that manifest themselves on the skin. Similarly, itching, which appears due to violations of the internal organs, has its own differences.

How can an itchy area indicate the causes of itchiness?

Genital itching  often occurs in women after 45 years in the vulva. Itching of the skin is excruciating, accompanied by the appearance of excoriations and skin dyschromia. The causes of skin itching on the genitals are urogenital infections, hormonal disorders, sexual neuroses and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. In girls, itching of the genitals is observed with enterobiasis.

Anus itching – a very painful suffering, which occurs mainly in middle-aged men. Itching of the skin can be complicated by candidal diaper rash, the formation of painful cracks, hydradenitis or furunculosis. Causes of itching around the anus: hemorrhoids, worm infestation, proctitis, constipation, diabetes mellitus, prostatitis, vesiculitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis.

opredelit-prichinu-kozhnogo-zuda-vozmozhno-po-ego-lokalizatsiiItching of the scalp – present in seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis or diabetes mellitus. On the scalp, excoriations and crusts form, as well as elements of impetigo as a result of the addition of a secondary infection.

Itching of individual small areas of the skin also occurs:

  • Itching of the auricles and external auditory canals – observed in seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
  • Itchy eyelids – begins with exposure to volatile irritants, itching of the eyelids often appears as a result of the parasitism of the Demodex mite, and itching can also be an allergic reaction to cosmetics.
  • Itching of the nasal cavity may accompany the presence of intestinal helminthiases in children and hay fever.
  • Itching of the fingers is seen in eczema, bird mite infestation and scabies.
  • Itching of the skin on the lower extremities is caused by varicose veins, dry skin, varicose eczema and trophic disorders.

How does itching manifest itself if the cause of skin itching is in the pathology of body systems?

Uremic itching – occurs in renal failure, is diffuse and local. It is more pronounced on the skin of the neck, limbs and shoulder girdle, as well as on the genitals and in the nose. Itching is intense, worse at night, during the summer months and after hemodialysis.

Hepatic (cholestic) itching – refers to one of the most painful and constant signs of chronic cholestasis. It occurs in all patients with primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver, in half of the cases this is the reason for going to the doctor. Such itching is the first and earliest sign of cirrhosis of the liver. It is common, especially pronounced on the limbs, abdomen, thighs. With mechanical cholestasis, itching appears on the palms, soles, in the folds between the fingers and toes.

Itching in lymphoproliferative and hematological diseases – is local and generalized. With polycythemia, it is localized on the head, neck and limbs. Itching with polycythemia of a burning nature, may precede the onset of the disease for several years. Anogenital itching is manifested in iron deficiency anemia, itching over the lymph nodes is observed in Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Paraneoplastic pruritus – occurs several years before the onset of the disease. For many forms of cancer, there is a specific localization of itching: prostate cancer – itching of the perineum and scrotum, cervical cancer – itching of the vagina, with brain tumors that infiltrate the bottom of the 4th ventricle – itching in the nostrils. Itching is local and can have different intensity.

The cause of pruritus may depend  on age or neurological status

Psychogenic itching – characterized by the absence of changes in the skin, increases in stressful situations. Such itching very rarely disturbs sleep. Itching is relieved after taking sedatives and is almost not eliminated by the use of external agents. Deep excoriations on the skin do not indicate psychosis, but rather neurosis. The diagnosis is made after exclusion of internal causes of pruritus.

Senile itching –  occurs in half of people over 70 years of age. Itching manifests itself in the form of night attacks, the cause of which is atherosclerosis, atrophic skin changes and hormonal disorders. Senile pruritus is a diagnosis of exclusion, for which one must reject the possibility of another cause of pruritus.

This description of the localization and characteristics of itching will help to suspect the presence of certain diseases already at the initial stage, determining the cause of skin itching. And knowing and eliminating the cause of itching can solve the problem once and for all.

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