Probably every woman has heard about cystitis, every third woman is faced with cystitis. Why does this disease haunt many people and ruin their lives? It seems that the drugs in our time are powerful, and everyone knows how to treat, but this does not help the problem to be solved. What's the matter? Why does cystitis often become chronic and worsen again and again? What is the danger of chronic cystitis?

Cystitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Like all inflammatory processes, cystitis develops after a pathogenic microflora enters the bladder.

Causes of cystitis in women

As a rule, cystitis is provoked by staphylococci, streptococci and Escherichia coli entering the bladder. Also, the process can cause the pathogenic flora of the vagina, that is, the presence of sexual infections - such as mycoplasma, gonorrhea, chlamydia. Infection from the vagina or anus enters through the urethra, which differs in women in small length and large width, which contributes to the rapid penetration of the infection.

All these processes occur with a decrease in the immunity and defenses of a woman's body. These are hypothermia, taking medications, poor nutrition, bad habits and the presence of untreated genital infections and inflammation of the internal genital organs of a woman (vaginitis, colpitis, endocervicitis, salpingo-oophoritis). Cystitis often occurs after a change of sexual partner, rough sexual intercourse and against the background of a regular violent sexual life.

The main signs of cystitis in women

Signs of cystitis are hard to miss and difficult to confuse with other diseases. With cystitis, a woman feels frequent urge to urinate. At the same time, the amount of urine excreted at a time is very small. If during urination there is pain and pain along the urethra, urethritis has joined the cystitis. Often, against the background of the use of sour, spicy foods and alcohol, the appearance of blood in the urine joins the main signs of cystitis, because this food damages the mucous membrane of the bladder.

In the cervical form of cystitis, the inflammatory process covers the sphincter of the bladder. In this form, the main symptom is urinary incontinence. It is very important at the first signs of cystitis to contact a specialist for examination and treatment.

Causes of chronic cystitis in women

At the first signs of cystitis, a woman often, instead of going to the doctor, consults with a friend or neighbor who recommends a wonderful drug that will cure cystitis. After a few days of taking an antibacterial drug, the symptoms subside and the woman forgets about cystitis. But after a while, he again makes himself felt. Frequent trips to the toilet and discomfort during intercourse again torment the woman. developed chronic cystitis. Why does he come back again and again, bringing so much inconvenience?

Cystitis is a kind of signal of the female body that somewhere the balance of microflora is disturbed or there is inflammation. Therefore, if at the reception a woman complains of a frequent exacerbation of cystitis, she should be advised to take tests for the composition of the vaginal microflora and genital infections. If any violations are detected, the process should be treated, and after that it is advisable to treat chronic cystitis. This is the main reason for the prevalence of chronic cystitis among women. Incorrect or incomplete treatment always leads to a chronic process.

What is the danger of cystitis? Complications of chronic cystitis

If a woman has chronic cystitis, the infection in the bladder has been present for a long time. This increases the chances of its spread to the upper sections of the excretory system. Pyelonephritis develops. This is a serious process that requires immediate treatment with antibacterial drugs. But even in the treatment of pyelonephritis, which is provoked by cystitis, few people will find out the original cause of chronic cystitis and eliminate it. So, chronic cystitis remains untreated again, and the vaginal microflora is disturbed, which will undoubtedly soon lead to another exacerbation of chronic cystitis.

In untreated chronic cystitis, the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder are involved in the inflammatory process. This is how interstitial cystitis is formed. This form of cystitis is almost untreatable. In this case, there is pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and the amount of urination is up to 150 times a day. In the presence of such cystitis, sooner or later the muscular layer of the bladder ceases to be elastic, turning into coarse scar tissue. The bladder decreases in size and is no longer able to perform its physiological function. This is an indication for an operation to remove the bladder and its plastics from parts of the intestine.

A few things you can do to reduce your risk of cystitis

When a girl begins an active sexual life, she should be aware of the following points.

  • After each sexual intercourse, try to induce urination so that the infection that may have entered the urethra is disinfected with urine.
  • Maintain proper personal hygiene and practice it regularly, especially after each sexual intercourse. In this case, the movements of the hand should be directed from the vagina to the anus, not vice versa.
  • With frequent changes of sexual partners, the chances of developing cystitis and genital infections increase, which provoke the development of chronic cystitis.
  • Regular check-ups with a gynecologist and take tests and smears to monitor the microflora of the vagina and the presence of infections.
  • Poor nutrition, frequent hypothermia and bad habits contribute to vaginal inflammation, vaginal dysbiosis and the development of cystitis.
  • At the first signs of cystitis, contact a gynecologist to find the root cause, as well as eliminate it.

Compliance with these rules can save women from the painful symptoms of cystitis, as well as from the terrible consequences and complications of chronic cystitis.

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