Панариций на руке: опасности и последствия заболевания

Panaritium on hand — This is a purulent inflammation of the tissues of the fingers, which has a tendency to spread. Panaritium is manifested by edema, suppuration of tissues and severe pain. The development of this disease is preceded by microtraumatization of the skin with the penetration of infection into the lesion site. Conservative treatment of panaritium is possible only in the initial stage of the disease, and if the clinical picture worsens, surgery may be recommended. Read more about panaritium on the arm and its treatment on estet-portal.com in this article.

Types of panaritium on the arm depending on the depth of the lesion

Panaritium on the arm, depending on the depth of the lesion, is divided into several types. The skin panaritium has the easiest course, when a purulent bladder occurs, and periungual, characterized by inflammation of the nail fold. Subcutaneous panaritium is also isolated, which most often occurs on the inside of the phalanges of the fingers. Bone panaritium develops as a result of the transition of inflammation from less deep structures, or the penetration of infection during a fracture.

Articular panaritium or purulent arthritis, without surgical treatment, leads to impaired mobility of the fingers.

The most severe defeat — this is the spread of infection to the tendon, which is complicated by a violation of the active movements of the fingers.  the main clinical manifestations of panaritium on the arm;
•    dangerous complications that threaten panaritium on the arm;
•    effective and safe treatment of panaritium on the arm. The main clinical manifestations of panaritium on the arm

My default image on the arm has a diverse clinical picture, due to the different depth of the lesion  structures of the finger and hand. Since this disease is manifested by acute purulent inflammation, all its forms share several common symptoms:

•    presence of pulsating pain syndrome;
•    redness and swelling of the skin at the site of the lesion;

•    limitation of finger mobility due to severe pain syndrome;•    general intoxication of the body.
Due to the intensity of the pain syndrome and the high risk of complications, panaritium requires immediate treatment.

Dangerous complications that threaten panaritium on the hand

If you do not start the treatment of panaritium on the arm in time, the spread of the inflammatory process and the development of pandactylitis are possible. During the therapy of this condition, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result, and the lack of response to treatment can lead to amputation of the finger. If tendons and joints are drawn into the purulent process, their necrosis is possible, followed by loss of active movements in the finger. If the tendon sheaths are affected -  the infectious process quickly spreads to the brush, which leads to the formation of & nbsp; phlegmon. Bone panaritium is dangerous for the development of chronic osteomyelitis.

Effective and safe treatment of panaritium on the arm

My default image Surgical intervention for panaritium should not be postponed in order to prevent the spread of the purulent process inward.

During surgery, it is necessary to open a purulent focus, remove necrotic tissue and drain the wound.

See also:
Clinical features and treatment of nail psoriasis

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