Сочетание инъекционных методов коррекции возрастных изменений: PRP и редермализация

Aging – a process that every person dreams of slowing down. This is a multifactorial process, as a result of which the dermis and epidermis are damaged, the level of collagen, elastin, skin density, fat layer, the number of cells and extracellular matrix decrease. This, in turn, leads to a change in the structure, elasticity, luster, volume, flexibility of the skin and, ultimately, to the appearance of wrinkles.

Therefore, the task of a specialist in aesthetic medicine is to restore collagen fibers, increase skin firmness and elasticity, as well as prevent premature age-related changes in the skin.

About the features of the application of a new method for the prevention of premature age-related changes in the skin and the results of the study — combined use of platelet-rich plasma, hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate (PRP + redermalization), estet-portal.com readers were told by MD, a leading specialist in the field of Dracula / PRP Therapy and minimally invasive procedures, an expert from Institute Hyalual Daniel L. Sister.

Age-related changes: when it comes time for injectable correction methods

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As you know, age-related changes affect 4 main layers of the face: skin, subcutaneous fat, ligaments, muscles and bone structures. Like dominoes, changes in one area provoke aging in other areas of the face.

The key to youthful skin is maintaining the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as activating the metabolism of keratinocytes.

In the process of aging, adipose tissue in the facial area becomes smaller, which leads to a loss of skin volume (the effect of "blowing away"), its dehydration. These changes impair the efficiency of fibroblasts, which begin to produce less hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, resulting in a decrease in skin tension, it undergoes ptosis.

Combined technique for removing hyperpigmentation: peeling and redermalization

Hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate: the perfect combination

Hyaluronic acid injections provide restoration of the dermis by activating fibroblasts and, as a result, increasing collagen production. It also increases skin hydration, which activates the metabolism of keratinocytes, increases skin turgor and elasticity.

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Sodium succinate, being a natural metabolite and participant in the Krebs cycle, increases ATP production, is a powerful antioxidant, works with the microcirculatory bed.

The complex effect of sodium succinate and hyaluronic acid provides an antioxidant effect, which helps to protect the skin from free radicals.

The synergism of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate allows you to normalize metabolic processes at the cellular level, increase the activity of fibroblasts, restore skin water balance, increase skin firmness and elasticity, and also prevent premature age-related changes in the skin.


Plasma Therapy: The Quintessence of Personalized Secrets

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The redermalization procedure with the use of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate (Hyalual preparations) has proven itself due to its good tolerability, physiological action, a wide range of indications and excellent visible results after the first procedure.

Platelet-rich plasma, hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate: a total impact on the mechanisms of skin aging

The complex action of platelet-rich plasma, hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate on the main mechanisms of skin aging is as follows:

1) Re-hydration of the skin: hyaluronic acid helps to increase the structure and density of the skin, partly through functional hypertrophy, thereby increasing hydration and increasing volume.

2) Regulation of biochemical and physiological processes in cells:

stimulation of the Krebs cycle with sodium succinate is aimed at overcoming the slowdown of metabolic processes, increasing the number of fibroblasts and enhancing their metabolic processes.

3) Active free radical blockade:

The antioxidant action of the combination (Hyaluronic Acid + Sodium Succinate) aims to counteract the accumulation of free radicals and protect cells from free radical damage.

4) Platelet-rich plasma:

slowing down or stopping bone resorption in the eye sockets and mandibular line, stimulating collagen formation, increasing muscle tone, and improving vascularization.Combined technique study &mdash ; combined use of platelet-rich plasma, hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate (PRP + redermalization) — showed a more pronounced clinical result compared with monotherapy. The study protocol is given below.

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The study found the following results:

1) Improvement of skin condition in all parameters

(elasticity, hydration, pigmentation and erythema).

2) Rapid onset of effect

— improvement begins a week after the procedure, is observed throughout the month and continues thereafter.

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3) Equalize facial proportions and improve overall appearance.

4) No adverse reactions and well tolerated.

5) More pronounced clinical result

after combined PRP and redermalization. The combination of PRP therapy and redermalization slows down bone resorption, provides increased muscle tone and improves vascularization, which allows the aesthetic medicine specialist to have the deepest effect on tissues in order to slow down aging and further minimize the number of injections required.

Svetlana Korkunda: Healthy skin – this is the key to successful aesthetic correction