Мифы о стволовых клетках, содержащихся в косметике: где же истина

The phrase "stem cells" today it has become so widespread in aesthetic medicine that patients and doctors often confuse – where are drugs related directly to stem cells, and where are innovative products whose mechanism of action is similar to stem cells. Recall that, speaking of stem cells, we most often mean mesenchymal – which, under certain conditions, are able to turn into certain types of tissues (cartilage, bone, fat, etc.), as well as special skin stem cells – who are responsible for updating it.

Today, many approaches are known that allow in one way or another to influence the work of stem cells, as well as to extract their metabolic products – for example, growth factors and some other signaling molecules – in the form of special extracts. It is often said about such cosmetic products that contain some products of cellular vital activity that they contain stem cells. Estet-portal.com tried to understand the composition of some of the most popular regenerative drugs and find out why they are credited with containing stem cells.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

This is one of the most popular products in regenerative aesthetic medicine and is often referred to as injections of the patient's own stem cells. In fact, platelet-rich plasma contains about a thousand of a wide variety of signaling molecules that are obtained from platelet alpha granules. The platelet includes many important substances for the body – needed to regulate both blood coagulation processes (the main function of this cell) and some regenerative processes.

Growth factors extracted from platelets are able to influence skin stem cells, it is on this property that the regenerating effect of platelet-rich plasma is based.

Platelet alpha granules are concentrated in a certain amount in a small volume of plasma, then the release of active substances is provoked by special methods. Stem cells PRP does not contain.

Placental preparations for anti-aging effect

The placenta does indeed contain multipotent stem cells. If we are talking about a drug that is individually synthesized for the patient from the placenta stored in the cryobank, then you need to know whether the placental stem cells were directly stored (which is rare, since their storage is very expensive, difficult and requires special conditions) or some kind of extract was stored from growth factors, hormones, very many different other substances. In this case, a personalized drug is obtained, but it works most often at the expense of the total  activity of all elements extracted from the placenta.

When it comes to a factory-made placental preparation, it has a standardized composition that goes through many stages of purification. Such drugs are very effective in certain conditions, but they do not contain stem cells themselves, but extracted from them  specific active ingredients.


Fibroblasts – special cells of youthful skin

These are full-fledged cells capable of synthesizing collagen and elastin for the extracellular matrix and are morphologically very similar to mesenchymal stem cells. However, a multipotent mesenchymal stem cell needs special conditions for its existence, which exist only at the level of special niches in our adult organism. Fibroblasts are present in many organs, including the skin.

Techniques exist for the use of autologous dermal fibroblasts, considerable experience has been gained in their safe use for skin repair in some conditions, it is one of the very few directly cellular products that is officially approved for use in the world.

But we are not talking about "stem cell injections", but about the use of dermal fibroblasts to restore the extracellular matrix of the skin, accelerate the healing processes in wounds and inflammations.

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