Третья точка гармонии лица: эстетическое значение коррекции формы подбородка

From the point of view of aesthetics of the face, the most significant parts of it are the forehead, nose and chin. The harmony of these three key points gives the image of a person attractiveness, creates an impression of character, and encourages communication. Correction of the shape of the chin can significantly affect the perception of other areas of the face by others, and in some cases, such surgical intervention greatly improves the socialization of a person. According to estet-portal.com, modern plastic surgery has great potential for correcting any defects in the chin area.

When and to whom is chin correction recommended

According to experts, the possibility of correcting the shape of the chin interested people even in antiquity. To add masculinity to the image, ivory and bovine bone were used as allografts. Since the middle of the 20th century, surgeons have been practicing autografts to correct the shape of the chin – bone fragments taken from the costal cartilage or ilium of the patient. However, this method was associated with a high risk of developing infectious complications and was not widely used.

The most successful were the methods of chin correction using implants made of various synthetic materials – silicones, porous polymers, methyl methacrylate, polytetrafluoroethylene.

Chin correction surgery can have both medical and aesthetic indications. There are anomalies in the development of the lower jaw, when on one side of the face it grows faster and becomes the cause of the asymmetry of the chin. Correction is indicated for reconstructive operations of the facial part of the skull after injuries or removal of tumors, in combination with operations to correct the shape of the jaws. From an aesthetic point of view, genioplasty can be recommended for a too massive, very large or, conversely, underdeveloped chin.

Peculiarities of chin shape correction using different methods

Planning a chin reshaping surgery starts with a comprehensive examination. In addition to laboratory tests, examination of the dentition, X-ray examination of the cranial bones, the mental state of the patient is also assessed.

The presence of unrealistic patient expectations for chin reshaping surgery may be a contraindication for it.

In order for the newly formed chin not to disturb the harmony of the face, a preliminary three-dimensional computer simulation of the future image is carried out. Based on the created model, individual implants are made if a chin augmentation is planned.

Two weeks before the scheduled surgery, the patient must stop smoking and alcohol, stop taking blood thinners (aspirin, Plavix, NSAIDs). Depending on the intended access to the chin correction, the patient must either rinse the mouth with an antiseptic three times a day or treat the skin area under the chin two days before the operation.

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The choice of access to the bone remains with the surgeon and depends on the chosen method of chin shape correction:

  • external incision in the fold of skin under the lower jaw;
  • internal incision between the gum and the mucous membrane of the lower lip.

If the chin is to be slightly enlarged and its shape improved, access through an internal incision is usually chosen, which is less traumatic and heals faster. A pre-prepared implant is installed and firmly fixed on the chin bone. When a significant chin augmentation or correction of its asymmetry is performed, the bone is dissected and shifted forward or sideways in the desired direction, then fixed with titanium screws and mini-plates.

If the chin needs to be reduced, the bone bridge is removed and the bone fragment is shifted back, if necessary, reshaping and removing the excess. The operation ends with the application of a tight fixing bandage, which after a few days is replaced with a special bandage, which will have to be worn for at least 3 weeks.

The results of chin shape correction can be assessed by the patient immediately after removing the compression bandage: the difference in facial features is clearly visible. The image becomes more harmonious and attractive.

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