В ожидании чуда: витамины при планировании беременности

An important stage of family life is pregnancy planning. This step significantly increases the chances of conception and normal intrauterine development of the fetus. Of course, the first stage of planning is the examination of a married couple for the presence of diseases of the reproductive system and the body as a whole. The second stage of planning is lifestyle modification, which includes giving up bad habits, maintaining physical activity and controlling nutrition. It is very important to provide the body with all the necessary substances, vitamins and microelements, the role of which you can read on estet-portal.com in this article.

Basic essential vitamins for pregnancy planning

It is recommended to start taking vitamins 3-6 months before pregnancy. They contribute to better maturation of germ cells and protect them from damage. It is also recommended to take vitamin complexes that contain essential fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on cellular metabolism and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and 6 help regulate hormone levels, improve sperm quality, and aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins  D and E.

Taking complex vitamin preparations during pregnancy planning not only increases the likelihood of conception, but also ensures the preparation of the woman's body for pregnancy.

Vitamins for pregnancy planning:
•    basic vitamins when planning pregnancy for women;
•    pregnancy planning vitamins needed by men;
•    natural or synthetic vitamins when planning pregnancy - which is better.

Basic prenatal vitamins for women

The main vitamins needed by women during pregnancy planning are:
•    Vitamin D and Zinc, which stimulate the synthesis of sex hormones;
•    Vitamin C controls hormone levels and increases fertility in women with a luteal phase defect;
•    Vitamins B6 and B1 regulate hormone and glucose levels, relieve symptoms of PMS, and may be helpful in reducing   morning sickness of pregnant women;
•    B12 regulates ovulation, increasing the chance of conception;
•    Folic acid is one of the most well-known vitamins needed for pregnancy, which helps prevent the development of fetal abnormalities, and also reduces the likelihood of complications during pregnancy;
•    Iron is responsible for the quality of eggs, plays an important role in the regulation of ovulation, and prevents the development of anemia.

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For a successful pregnancy, it is important not only to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins, but also not to forget that exceeding the daily doses of these substances can also be fraught with serious consequences.

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Vitamins for planning pregnancy, necessary for men

Men at the planning stage of pregnancy need vitamins to a much lesser extent than women. However, the positive effect on the reproductive function of the representatives of the "stronger sex" provide vitamins C, E and B12. Ascorbic acid and Tocopherol protect the seed from damaging factors such as free radicals, which reduces the likelihood of DNA damage. B12 improves sperm production and quality. Vitamin C stimulates the motor activity of spermatozoa, which increases the likelihood of conception.  Two more important "male" vitamin  - this is Selenium, which stimulates the activity of spermatogenesis and & nbsp; L-carnitine, which helps regulate sperm maturation. Zinc stimulates testosterone production, but has a serious disadvantage & mdash; this trace element reduces the number of spermatozoa.

Natural or synthetic vitamins when planning pregnancy - which is better

Natural products do not always contain enough essential vitamins and minerals. Their nutritional content may vary depending on the season, the type of food processing, and the region where they were grown. Synthetic vitamins take into account the standard daily dose of the necessary substances, but are usually less absorbed. Give preference to synthetic or natural vitamins — everyone's personal business, but it is worth remembering that the measure should be observed in everything.

The use of synthetic vitamins is shown more in the winter, when food contains insufficient amounts of the necessary  substances.

Vitamins can also be recommended in case of a significant deficiency of one or another element, or in cases where it is necessary to activate all the body's reserve capabilities, for example, during the period of planning and carrying a pregnancy. Taking vitamins is also important because taking care of the unborn child begins with proper pregnancy planning.

Read also: Pregnancy procedures: pros and cons. Part 2

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