There is no limit to perfection. And a person, by virtue of the features given by nature, constantly wants to improve his life: its quality, physical, material, emotional and other aspects of it. If you think that your life is far from the desired ideal or you just want to constantly improve and take higher and higher peaks, we present to your attention 20 laws of Natalia Grace, who decided to talk about how to improve your life.

And if you often ask yourself questions about the reasons for your failures and really want answers to them that will help improve your life and minimize the number of failures. 

 It is possible to come to a solution of many problems thanks to a number of patterns formulated in the book "Grace's Laws". We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them.

20 laws of Natalia Grace to improve your life

1. The law of zeroing.

If, after returning home completely exhausted, you realize that you did not have time to do half of everything planned for the day and, sitting in an armchair, look into the void, you should not blame yourself for insufficient efficiency. The brain is not able to smoothly carry out absolutely all the orders that are given to it, it needs time to put things in order in all those lumps that you threw into it. Any information from the outside at this time should be absent. This process is called zeroing. When the soil is not allowed to rest, forced to give birth again and again, in the seventh year it ceases to be fertile, turning into a barren slave.

2. The Law of False Kindness.

Taking on the solution of other people's problems? we do not help solve them, but only exacerbate them. By dragging an alcoholic into treatment, we can only prolong his agony by wasting our own time. He will again become addicted to alcohol, and for the person who tried to help him, he will appear as an ungrateful pig. Each person must come to the solution of their problems on their own, this makes it possible to grow, thanks to the experience gained in solving various problems.

3. The law of the revealing of trifles.

The essence of a person is fully displayed in the little things. For example, royal generosity, shown once a year, will not hide the petty nature, which manifests itself daily in various small things. 

4.  The law of germs.

All kinds of phenomena and events have germs. Despite the fact that such embryos are not alive, they may well reproduce. For example, leaving one unwashed cup, you can expect a mountain of unwashed dishes next to it. The first inscription on a newly painted fence will not stay alone for a long time – soon it will “decorate” a dozen more such "masterpieces". How to use the law of germs? One must learn to recognize all adverse events and phenomena when they are still in their infancy and immediately begin to destroy them. If you are not satisfied with any life phenomenon – eliminate its germ, because it is much easier to melt one snowflake than to stop a snowball.

5. Better under- than over-.

This law applies to absolutely everything. For example, when giving a speech, try to finish it before the audience gets tired. As Goethe said: "The secret of the boring is to say everything." If you're on a date, try to leave before your partner wants you to. Guests should also not linger until such time as they begin to hint that it is time to disperse. Remember: under- is better than over-…

6. The law of the common harness.

Separately, two horses can move three tons each. But if they are in the same team – 15 tons. You should harness yourself to business no less than two by two, only in this way it is possible to be effective. "A thread that is twisted three times will not break soon."

7. The law of the magic word.

You may have already guessed that the word is "please". However, the magic word is "no". By learning to refuse people, you can avoid many problems. Why communicate with a person out of courtesy when this communication does not bring any benefit or pleasure? You don't have to lend money if you don't feel like it, so you will save yourself from suffering about whether the money will be returned to you or not.

Do you want to help – give the person what you can give. Goethe said: “Do you want to lose a friend– lend him money. Natalia Grace discovered an interesting phenomenon. After a person was able to reasonably refuse, there is an increase in his self-esteem and self-respect. & nbsp; People are afraid to say "no" for the reason that they are afraid of not being liked by someone. But it is impossible to please everyone and you need to learn how to calmly experience other people's negative emotions caused by your refusal. It should be easy to refuse.

8. The law of false ideal conditions.

Ideal conditions do not exist. Of course, occasionally it happens that the conditions are very favorable, which very rarely someone manages to take advantage of. Opportunities hide behind the mask of problems that need to be addressed.

9. The law of supply.

A man decides to change his motorcycle to a newer model. After placing an advertisement in the newspaper for the sale of a motorcycle, he waited for someone to respond. Due to the fact that the model was rather outdated, no one was particularly interested in such an offer, but at the end of the week a call came from an interested man. Later, a meeting took place between the seller and a potential buyer, who were offered a very modest amount, approximately $ 300. The owner of the motorcycle said indignantly that he was not going to sell it for less than a thousand. After that, the client left, because I can not offer more than $ 300, leaving the seller my phone, saying the phrase: "Call me if you still decide." However, the owner did not think to change his mind, ignoring the words of the client. A few weeks later a man who left his number to the seller himself called back and again offered to sell the motorcycle for $ 300 and was again refused. A week later, after leaving the office, the owner of the motorcycle remembered for a long time where he had put it, until he realized that the motorcycle had been stolen. Offers don't just happen. In such a way, fate takes care of us.

10. The Law of Once Set. What is once set works well.

11. Compensation law.

It's impossible to get everything at once. Just imagine: the wife is an unwritten beauty, well-groomed – perfect manicure, neat styling, bakes amazing pies, in bed with her husband – passionate, inventive, children are never deprived of attention, a brilliant pianist, singer, with a silky character, also a successful business woman and a wonderful friend. Everything does not happen at the same time. It was for this reason that Suvorov looked like a fool, Napoleon was terribly afraid of cats, Schiller tried to feed the muse with rotten apples, Tchaikovsky shed tears 10 times a day and ate paper, and Bach threw his wig at the pianist every time he was out of tune. & nbsp; Having achieved tangible success in one thing, it is likely that you simply will not be enough for another. But the value of a person lies not in the absence of vices, but in the presence of virtues.

12. The Law of Influence.

What kind of environment a person is in directly depends on what he will become. Naturally, someone will always be more slender, and someone more thin. However, even within the concept of fullness, it is possible to remain a pretty plump, or you can grow fat and bloom to the point of ugliness. Thus, in one environment a person can become developed, and in another – primitive. We are able to turn into those who are nearby, but very rarely those who are nearby turn into us.

13. The law of the cross. The cross is given to each in strict accordance with his back.

14. The law of polar reaction to talent.

Talented people always provoke polar reactions: either delight or hatred. Such persons cannot be taken with complete indifference. Ignoring and not noticing them simply will not work, as well as forgetting. Therefore, such people are always in the spotlight – both the attention of imitators, and evil tongues, and envious people. If you have a certain talent, do not rely on universal approval and recognition. Get ready for the fact that you will only have more enemies, because the talents went to you, not to them.

15. The Not Your People Law. 

If people are not your – they will leave you sooner or later.

16. The law of shared memory.

The connection between people is often formed because of the common memory for events. In the same way, the formation of attachment and the calm stage of ongoing love take place. Therefore, if you want to get good affection – try to get into the memory of this person with kindness.

17. The law of binding thoughts to one's neighbor.

If a person is nearby, thoughts about him are inevitable, even if you are absolutely not interested. This is the danger of the proximity of worthless people.

18. The law of inevitable loss.

Mistakes are allowed by a person in everything he does.  This is the inevitability of losses, because you can influence a lot, but unfortunately, not everything. It is impossible to be perfect and to do everything perfectly too. The inevitability of loss must be accepted with humility.

19. The law of halves.

Everything in the world can be symbolically divided into two complementary halves and called initial and final. Setting the tone for the initial half is possible, but if it materializes, the final half begins to "draw" on its own. This is the essence of situation management. That is, it is possible to set the initial half in order to eventually get the desired result. There are people whose behavior can only cause admiration and adoration from others and behave as if they cannot but please others. When making a speech, they show with all their appearance that they are ready for applause and people finish drawing their soulmate, applauding.  If you set the right half, success will not be long in coming.

20. The law of right action.

If you do the right thing, things should definitely go uphill.  

We hope that the laws we have cited will really help you better understand how to improve your life. Remember that not everything is as complicated as it seems to us, and if you follow simple proven rules, it will be much easier to achieve success and improve your life! 

Be successful with Estet-portal! 

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