Viruses – is a problem that awaits us at every turn in almost any season. Viruses become especially active in the autumn period. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly refresh in your memory a list of simple, but effective and time-tested methods of dealing with seasonal viruses. That is why Estet-portal, taking care of your health, tirelessly and regularly reminds you which remedies are good in the fight against viruses. So, once again about the prevention of colds. 

Autumn has just begun, but the viruses have already become active. This is an occasion to worry about the prevention of colds. But even if you have already managed to get sick, do not despair. There are some really effective tips for dealing with seasonal colds:

Say no to simple carbs

Simple carbohydrates, found in floury and sweet foods, reduce the level of protection of the immune system, reducing its ability to fight viruses. Thus, they slow down the healing process. Therefore, during an illness, it is worth abandoning them and replacing them with a large amount of vitamins. 

Chicken broth to help

If viruses have gained a temporary victory over you, thanks to this old folk method, you can ease your breathing and relieve inflammation. It is perfect for both adults and children.

It is important to drink more

When you have a cold, you are more likely to become dehydrated. Therefore, it is very important not to forget to drink. And you can drink all the juices, water, tea and broth. The more water you drink, the faster toxins are flushed out of your body. And it will be easier to fight viruses! 

Eat vitamins

To improve the immune system and help him overcome the cold, you need to consume as many vitamins as possible. Restoration and hydration of the mucosa provides vitamin A, vitamin C improves immunity. It is also worth noting that vitamins are good for the prevention of colds, and also help directly during treatment. With such protection, no seasonal viruses are scary!  

Estet-portal wishes you to always stay healthy, despite the machinations of seasonal viruses! 

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