5 мифов о панических атаках

Sudden attacks of insane fear, accompanied by a powerful release of adrenaline and causing a distinct desire to flee or repel a non-existent enemy, called panic attacks, are a very significant problem for many healthy and quite adequate people. The causes of panic attacks are not well understood, and the lack of reliable information has given rise to many ridiculous myths and speculations associated with this very unpleasant phenomenon.

Together with estet-portal.com, we will refute the most common misconceptions related to the fight against panic attacks.

Panic attacks – manifestation of cardiovascular disease

A panic attack is considered to be a sudden sensation of sudden inexplicable fear, which is accompanied by:
•    increased heart rate;
•    dizziness;
•    excessive sweating;
•    appearance of tremor in the limbs;
•    feeling of impending fainting.

Often, a panic attack is confused with a heart attack or a manifestation of VVD. And they try to remove it by taking appropriate drugs. In fact, a panic attack is by no means identical to the problems of the cardiovascular system. These symptoms are caused by a sharp increase in the level of adrenaline, which usually occurs in stressful situations, when a person's life is in imminent danger.

The only difference is the absence of real danger, which the person is well aware of.

Although panic attacks cause a rapid heartbeat, contrary to popular belief, they do not lead to accelerated wear and tear of the myocardium.

Panic attacks  lead to madness

One of the common misconceptions associated with panic attacks is the belief that they may indicate the development of irreversible mental disorders. Perhaps this myth is provoked by the state of derealization and depersonalization, which often occur during an attack. A person may have a brief feeling that he has fallen out of normal reality and that everything that happens has nothing to do with him.

However, this condition passes very quickly, in contrast to the persistent obsessions that occur with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

Despite the fact that the causes of panic attacks are not fully understood, experts tend to consider them the result of emotional and neurotic disorders, in contrast to mental illness, which are caused by organic genetic predisposition or damage to the cerebral cortex.

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Panic attacks are treated with medication

One of the most dangerous myths and misconceptions associated with panic attacks can be considered the opinion that when attacks occur, a person should start taking available sedatives.  

Specialists associate the causes of panic attacks, first of all, & nbsp; with psychological problems, short-term malfunctions in the work of the subconscious, provoking a feeling of fear and, as a result, a powerful release of adrenaline. Uncontrolled use of sedatives will not solve your problem, often after them the situation only gets worse.

But, of course, getting an examination and taking tests will be the most correct step, sometimes the causes of panic attacks really lie in physical illnesses or are a side effect of certain drugs.

Panic attacks are caused by stress

In fact, a huge number of people are exposed to stress every day, however, 95% of them have never experienced excruciating bouts of sudden unreasonable fear. Therefore, stress is not directly related to the problem. However, those who suffer from uncontrollable panic attacks will find it very beneficial to learn to control their emotions, master the skills of auto-training and relaxation.

Specialists recommend developing a number of techniques for yourself that will help you overcome an attack faster. Among the most popular – breath control, self-massage of the area between the thumb and forefinger, as well as any means of switching attention to any external processes and objects.

You can start counting passing buses or remembering the formulation of physical laws, remembering an almost forgotten poem or a cake recipe, the main thing is not to focus on your feelings.

A panic attack is noticeable to others

It should be noted that this delusion is one of the most harmful, since it can cause an inferiority complex and lead to voluntary isolation. First of all, the manifestation of a panic attack can be noticeable only to the closest people who are well acquainted with the nuances of your facial expressions, gestures and demeanor. On the street or in transport, the vast majority of people don’t care about you, why do you care that they might notice something?

Meanwhile, sitting at home waiting for a new attack, you only aggravate the situation, because there is nothing shameful in what is happening to you. This is a very unpleasant syndrome that requires the help of a qualified psychologist who will find a way to help sort out your internal problems.

So, if you're one of those people who suffers from panic attacks, don't shut yourself up or wait for the madness to come. Examination of doctors and consultation with a psychologist will help you find out the causes of panic attacks, & nbsp; and then to restore the shaken balance and cope with the problem. Main – do not withdraw into yourself, very often the help of relatives and friends helps to quickly stop painful attacks.

More interesting information regarding physical and mental health,  you will find on the website estet-portal.com.

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