5 самых знаменитых психологов мира, о которых должен знать каждый

The world knew about psychology, or the science of the soul, back in antiquity. That's when she was born. Over the years, this science has been changed, developed, supplemented.

Psychologists, who studied the inner world of a person, made a huge contribution to this. They wrote many treatises, articles and books, on the pages of which they told the world something new, something that turned the view of many things.

In this material estet-portal.com presents to your attention the names of

the most famous psychologists in the world, whose quotes are often found in books, magazines and newspapers. These are the people who became famous all over the world for their discoveries and scientific views.

1. Sigmund Freud – the world's most famous psychologist who founded psychoanalysis
2. Abraham Harold Maslow – author of the pyramid of human needs
3. Viktor Emil Frankl – founder of logotherapy
4. Alois Alzheimer – a psychiatrist who studied pathologies of the nervous system
5. Dale Carnegie – the most famous psychologist in the world, the guru of human relationships

Sigmund Freud – the world's most famous psychologist who founded psychoanalysis

Many of you have probably heard about this great Austrian psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and neurologist. It was his inquisitiveness in the knowledge of human nature and a penetrating mind that prompted him to the following idea: the cause of a nervous breakdown lies in a whole complex of conscious and unconscious processes that closely interact with each other.

That's why the world's most influential psychologist created psychoanalysis – a specific method of treating

mental disorders that brought Freud worldwide recognition.

The essence of Freud's psychoanalysis is as follows: the patient ceases to control his thoughts and says the first thing that comes to his mind through associations, fantasies and dreams.
From all this, the analyst concludes what unconscious conflicts led to the problem. Then the specialist interprets it to the patient in order to find ways to solve the problem.

This pioneering method of treating mental disorders had a huge impact on medicine, psychology, anthropology, sociology, literature,

as well as the art of the 20th century.

Despite the fact that it has been criticized and is still being criticized in scientific circles, it is widely used in our time.

Abraham Harold Maslow – author of the pyramid of human needs

Abraham Harold Maslow is also among the world's most influential psychologists. An American psychologist founded humanistic psychology, according to which a person from birth strives for self-improvement, creativity and self-sufficiency.

In other words, a person – the creator of his own life, having the freedom to choose and develop a lifestyle, unless physical or social influences interfere.

Among the scientific works of the world famous thinker, "

Maslow's Pyramid" deserves special attention. It consists of special diagrams reflecting the needs of a person, which the psychologist has distributed as they increase.

They are shown in the following picture:

My default image

The author explains this distribution by the fact that

that while a person experiences physiological needs, he cannot experience needs that are at the highest level. Maslow's pyramid is widely used in economics today.

Viktor Emil Frankl – founder of logotherapy

Viktor Emil Frankl is included in the list of the world's most famous psychologists for a reason. After all, being also a psychiatrist, as well as a philosopher, he created the Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy.

Among the thinker's most popular scientific works, the work "Man's Search for Meaning" should be singled out. It was this monograph that became the impetus for the development of logotherapy – new method of psychotherapy.

According to her, the desire of a person to find and realize his meaning of life in the world – it is the primary motivating force.

The main task of logotherapy, which was created by Frankl, – help a person make his past, present and future more meaningful, thus saving him from neurosis.
The oppression of this need Frankl called existential frustration. This psychological state often leads to mental and neurotic disorders.

Alois Alzheimer – psychiatrist who studied pathologies of the nervous system

The name of the German psychiatrist and neurologist is probably known to many of you. After all, she named a well-known mental disorder, accompanied by a violation of memory, attention, performance and disorientation in space. Namely – Alzheimer's disease.

The neurologist devoted his whole life to the study of various pathologies of the nervous system. In his articles, he covered such topics as


, brain atrophy, alcoholic psychosis, epilepsy and much more. The works of the German psychiatrist are still widely used throughout the world today. So, in order to diagnose Alzheimer's disease,

the same diagnostic methods are used that a neurologist used back in 1906.

My default imageDale Carnegie – the most famous psychologist in the world, the guru of human relationships

American educational psychologist, Dale Carnegie wanted to become a teacher in order to stand out and achieve recognition, because in his youth he was ashamed of his appearance and poverty.

So he decided to try his hand at public speaking. Giving all of himself to training and practicing speech, he achieves his goal and begins his career teaching stage art and rhetoric.

Then he creates his own Institute of Oratory and Human Relations, where he teaches all comers the communication skills that he created himself.

Dale Carnegie was not only a famous educator, psychologist, motivational speaker and lecturer, but also a writer. In 1936, his book How to Win Friends and Influence People was published and became a worldwide bestseller. In it, the author in an understandable language, based on examples from life, explains to readers what needs to be done in order to

to gain respect

, recognition and popularity. Of course, there are much more influential world psychologists. But we did not focus on each of them. But they only singled out those personalities whose names everyone should know.

After all, their works are truly valuable, because they have changed the lives of many people. They contain the information that each person can use to solve a particular difficult situation, gain valuable life skills, improve relationships with others, and also in order to fill their existence with meaning.

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