What is happiness for you? What concepts define it, what is needed to achieve it? Is it difficult to be happy and how to learn to appreciate life? All of these questions (or at least one of them) come to mind at least once in a lifetime. We present to your attention five simple things, the implementation of which will take no more than five minutes a day, but the effect of them will last for quite a long time. Happiness is achievable! The main thing is just to want. And Estet-portal will help you to head in the right direction.

Happiness – it is an eternal pursuit of meaning, purpose, and purpose. It takes years to constantly transform lives, and in the meantime, there are scientifically proven strategies for immediately increasing happiness levels. These actions provide a small increase in happiness, but the effect lasts for weeks and months, and if they are practiced consistently, you get into the habit of being happy, making your dreams and hopes come true.

Here are 5 strategies you can apply right now to fuel your mental health instantly:

Move! Right now

In 2005, researchers at Chicago State University and the University of Minnesota proved the immediate positive effects of cardio on mood. The fact is that as a result of aerobic exercise, the level of endorphins (hormones of joy) in the blood increases 5 times! 

A more recent study by psychologists at the University of Halmstad (Sweden) proved that exercise is an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression. Body and mind are inseparable. Although the best effect is achieved after 20 minutes of continuous cardio, even a couple of minutes of jumping can be the beginning of significant positive changes!

Call a good person

Positive social connections – cornerstone of mental health. Talking to a friend can have a lasting positive effect of boosting energy and cultivating motivation. By itself, belonging to a social group or even a minimal personal connection with another person provides a strong and significant drive. If there are people around you right now whom you love and appreciate, come up and talk to them personally. If there is no – dial the number of a person dear to you just like that, without waiting for a special reason. 

Find three things you are grateful for

Many people keep a journal where they regularly write down things they are grateful for. This simple exercise helps you feel your luck and provides an immediate and lasting effect of happiness. In a study published in 2012, positivist psychologists Steven Schuller and Acacia Parks tested this happiness strategy in the context of online plug-ins and found that the positive effects lasted up to six months. A five-minute deed will resonate with half-year joy!

Predict the best case scenario 

Research shows that visualizing a better future makes us much more optimistic. as a result of receiving positive emotions. To achieve inner harmony, coach Caroline Miller suggests "faking" an optimist thinking about the future: “The world of a pessimist– random set of events. Optimists, on the other hand, believe that they are in control of what is happening around them. Therefore, it is useful to at least pretend that you are an optimist. Over time, it assimilates and becomes part of nature. Positive thoughts come true! Take a few minutes to visualize the best-case scenario for the coming months and years. You will be surprised how vividly and accurately your predictions can come true!

Set your intention for the day 

One of the most well-researched models of mental health has been published by Carol Riff of the University of Wisconsin. It includes six elements that make up happiness, the most prominent of which is self-management.  In the morning of each day, determine your intentions for how you will spend it. This simple procedure will put you in the "driver's seat of life", from which you make conscious decisions, and not just react to changes in the environment. You will not always be able to clearly adhere to the chosen path, but the very realization of what you are going to achieve provides a sense of purpose and allows you to be consistent in interacting with the world, which means – become happy. 

As you can see, maintaining mental health is not that difficult. To become happy, it is enough to start seeing happiness and take steps to meet it, while rejoicing in pleasant little things and maintaining a positive attitude. 

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