6 самых опасных диет для похудения

In an effort to get rid of extra pounds, a huge number of people around the world often believe that weight correction — quite an achievable goal, you just need to choose the right diet and strictly follow the instructions. This is not to say that they are absolutely wrong: very often weight loss does take place.

Modern aesthetic ideas require the beautiful half of humanity to always remain thin and slender, the notorious "90 — 60 — 90" often become a goal to achieve which any means are good.  Yes, and the funds are always at hand: all you need — choose a suitable diet and courageously hold out for a couple of weeks. The main thing is to follow the instructions, and you are guaranteed significant weight loss! How safe for your health will such a weight correction be? Together with estet-portal.com we invite you to analyze the safety of several popular diets.

The Hidden Threat of Low-Carb Diets

This is a type of weight loss diet — one of the most popular. Even if you are not too fond of restricting yourself in food, you will certainly have heard about the Kremlin, Japanese diet or the Atkins diet. Despite the difference in names, all of these diets have a common underlying principle: the body does not need carbohydrates! Here are the proteins — this is another matter, they serve as "building material" for body tissues. The use of protein products is considered quite safe in terms of weight gain. But products containing carbohydrates are outlawed: they turn into fat deposits that accumulate in the most problematic places. Is this really true?

Alas, not everything here is true! In side dishes consisting of boiled or stewed vegetables, as well as in various cereals, there are simple and complex carbohydrates, which serve as a source of energy for the cells of our body. Because complex carbohydrates break down slowly, they protect us from the hunger that comes when we courageously refuse bread, potatoes, or vegetables.

In addition, when opting for a protein diet, it should be remembered that an excess of protein in the diet during metabolism creates an increased burden on the kidneys and can even cause kidney failure.

The dangers of a fat-free diet

There is a huge variety of diets, where one of the elements that form the basis of a healthy balanced diet is banned. In addition to carbohydrate-free diets, which completely exclude any fats, are widely used. The authors of such diets argue that the absence of fat in the diet will help the body quickly eliminate its own fat reserves, and therefore the intake of fat along with food — absolute redundancy. Is this really true?

Animal and vegetable fats, which enter our body with food, perform many different functions, namely:

  • Serve as a source of energy when the body has used up all its carbohydrate reserves. In the absence of fat, the body begins the process of destruction of tissues and muscles in order to obtain the necessary energy.
  • Vitamins A, C and K, the most important for humans, the benefits of which will not be denied by any nutritionist, are classified as fat-soluble. This means that by dressing the salad with only a few drops of lemon juice, you deprive yourself of a significant part of the vitamins contained in it.
  • Perform the function of appetite control. Do you want to reduce weight? However, constantly experiencing hunger, this will not be easy. Fats are absorbed quite slowly, allowing you to experience a feeling of satiety for a longer time.

In addition, fat-like substances (lipids) perform many vital functions, including the transmission of nerve impulses, the transport of nutrients and the synthesis of a number of hormones.

And this means that the use of various fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids is vital for the human body.

But trans fats, which form the basis of margarine and are contained in most confectionery products, are really extremely harmful, it is better to minimize their consumption.

Mono-diets for weight loss: a tribute to fashion or a threat to health

So, we have considered diets that exclude the use of one of the elements of a healthy diet: carbohydrates or fats. However, such diets include a variety of elements: boiled meat or fish, quail or chicken eggs, seafood. Some of them allow you to supplement the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits. If you are healthy, there is a chance that two — three weeks will not cause serious damage to your health. However, following such a diet requires some effort and minimal culinary skills: in order to provide yourself with food for the whole day, you need to prepare everything in advance.

Perhaps that is why mono-diets, which prescribe the use of one or two foods, have become extremely popular in recent years. There is a huge number of different mono-diets, which are especially widespread among very young girls who hope to find ideal forms. Simplicity is probably considered their dubious advantage: you almost don’t need to cook anything, you have to eat buckwheat porridge in small portions all day long (of course, without oil, salt and sugar!), drink kefir or eat exclusively fruits. However, the harm is obvious: for a sufficiently long time, the body is forced to lose most of the necessary elements. Needless to say, the use of such a diet can cause serious damage to health? During the period when you limit your diet exclusively to kefir or fruits, not only the subcutaneous fat layer is consumed, but also the muscles, as well as the tissues of the internal organs. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system suffers, and a serious blow is dealt to the immune system.

The only reasonable use of such a monotonous diet can be considered fasting days, which are held once a week. However, even such a sparing form of diet is recommended only after consultation with your doctor.

Salt is forbidden: fashion or necessity

Most likely, you have heard about the existence of a salt-free diet. It would seem that there should be no harm from such a diet. From school years, we all know that excess salt is extremely harmful to health. Is this really true?

Unfortunately, only part of the truthful information is present here. In fact, sodium ions are necessary to maintain the water-salt balance, in addition, our body can get some of them from animal products. However, they are absolutely not enough for the normal functioning of our body, so it is necessary to add salt to food.

Why does severe salt restriction move from one diet to another? Probably, the secret lies in the fact that a decrease in the concentration of sodium salts in the body leads to fluid loss, and hence a fairly effective weight loss. However, is dehydration a safe way to correct weight? In addition, returning to a normal diet will quickly lead to the restoration of body weight. The only question is, can your body also quickly recover from the stress of such a diet? And that's not the worst!

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Fasting for weight correction — most dangerous of all diets

Fortunately, the peak of fasting fashion has long passed, but it would be unfair to ignore this radical way to lose weight. In the process of fasting, losing weight is usually allowed to drink water slightly acidified with lemon juice.

Perhaps, if you are absolutely healthy, one day of fasting as a fasting day option will not cause serious damage to health. Nevertheless, there is also very little practical sense in such a diet: experiencing incredible stress during fasting, you, returning to a normal diet, will quickly regain the lost weight (and possibly add more). Your body, not knowing what else to expect, quickly reprograms itself to restore the lost — he needs to make sure if you again deprive him of everything at once!

Using the most rigid diets, as a rule, gives only a very short-term effect, which is destroyed so quickly that you don’t even have time to show off to your friends.

The question is, can you stop? Such stresses, when food is forbidden, often lead to severe nervous disorders and anorexia, which are not always cured.

Raw food: diet as a way of life

The most dangerous of swindlers — charlatans from medicine, whose number has increased significantly in recent years, do not tire of surprising gullible ladies with new theories of "healthy" nutrition. One of these theories — raw food — continues to be fashionable and popular, acquiring various updated forms. It is especially dangerous that this kind of diet (including the widespread separate nutrition) — it is no longer just a diet, but, practically, a way of life!

However, is it really safe to eat vegetables and fruits raw? After all, heat treatment, according to experts, "kills" up to 70% of the vitamins that are originally present in various fruits. Is it bad if a person gets more useful vitamins? Alas, absolutely any product is good and useful only when its use does not go beyond the limits of consumption.

In addition, sadly, very often raw foodists do not recognize animal products, which makes their diet even more monotonous and provokes a predisposition to certain diseases. A typical disease of a raw foodist can be considered pernicious anemia, in which the human body ceases to absorb B12 from the body. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to severe neurological damage, heart failure and death.

What do we get as a result

Sad to say, we live in an incredibly paradoxical period of time when the availability of any, including popular medical information, is by no means an obstacle to millions of gullible people who allow pseudo-nutritionists to captivate themselves with fashionable, "absolutely safe" and " incredibly effective diet. After all, we have not yet mentioned various pills or hormonal preparations, the use of soda or apple cider vinegar!

Probably, in our hearts we always believe in miracles and hope that the next dietetics guru will come up with a way to quickly and permanently rid us of the excess weight that we have acquired for many years. Is it possible? Of course! But only gradually, step by step, and always under the supervision of a qualified specialist. You can read the whole truth about safe weight correction at estet-portal.com, where reliable information on this topic is presented.




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