Акне среднего возраста:  почему прыщи на лице появляются не только в молодости

Acne is considered to be one of the most common dermatological problems affecting mainly young people. However, this rule has its exceptions: cosmetologists state that acne on the face also appears at a more mature age.

There are several reasons for this: in some cases, acne is the result of skin problems since adolescence, and in others appear for no apparent reason, posing a threat to beauty and giving serious reasons for cultivating heavy complexes in the soul of their owners.

Where does acne come from: hormones and excess sebum

are to blame

Acne is based on inflammation of the hair follicle, which causes a large production of sebum and the subsequent development of bacteria. The combination of these three elements creates a perfect environment for blackheads, and further and papules.
Hormonal swing is an essential element of puberty. Hormones, namely androgens, are to blame for acne. Their excessive production irritates the sebaceous glands, which stimulates sebum and contributes to the active reproduction of epidermal cells. Blockage of pores is inevitable.

In most cases, the cause of acne in mature women is an excess of male sex hormones in the blood.

This is often accompanied by male-pattern hair (eg, on the upper lip, chin, neck, or back), menstrual irregularities, and hair loss.

5 causes of acne in women of velvet age

In addition to hormonal disorders, other factors can also provoke the appearance of acne on the face.

Reason #1. Genetics. According to statistics, one of the factors for persistent acne is the susceptibility of one of the parents to dermatosis.

Reason #2. Bad ecology. Polluted environment, high air pollution affect the condition of the skin is not the best way. Sensitive skin responds to an unfavorable ecological situation with a rash of acne.  

Reason #3. Chronic stress, fatigue, depression are associated with a decrease in immunity, which threatens the inflammatory process and the appearance of acne on the skin.

Reason #4. Strict diet. A diet poor in minerals and vitamins of groups A, B6, D, PP weakens the protective mechanisms of the skin.  

The daily menu must contain vegetable fats, which are necessary for the production of a sufficient amount of liquid sebum and stabilization of the cell membranes of the epithelium.

Reason #5. Improper skin care. Acne may result from frequent use of oily creams or heavy makeup.

Acne treatment folk remedies: herbal decoctions will help

For obvious redness, it is good to use lotions based on plant extracts. Prepare them on the basis of medicinal calendula, chamomile extract, yarrow herb.

Saturate gauze or other soft cloth with lotion. Apply a compress on the affected areas for 10 minutes.

In a state of remission, you should wipe your face daily with propolis tincture. It soothes the affected skin and has an antimicrobial effect.

For prevention purposes, hypothermia and overheating of the body should be avoided. It is necessary to adjust your diet, be sure to include dairy and vegetable products in it. But hot, spicy foods, as well as chocolate, coffee and alcoholic beverages, should be avoided.


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