Биотатуировки: как сделать временную татуировку

Tattoos are becoming more and more popular, and more and more people decide to decorate their body with a pattern. However, many are stopped by the fact that the tattoo will remain for life. What to do if you want a tattoo, but you are afraid to take such a radical step? There is a way out – bio tattoo! It is made with henna, and the roots of this art go back centuries.

About how to make a temporary tattoo, tell estet-portal.com. Everything about the procedure itself, the nuances of preparing for it – look in our article.

How to get a temporary tattoo

Henna tattoo – the process is painless. You will not feel any discomfort. Yes, and it will take quite a bit of time – compared to a regular tattoo, which the master can do for several hours.

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Henna-based paste is used for application. With its help, they make a drawing on the skin. Then they give her a few hours to dry. At this time, you can not touch it, because the color of the picture depends on it. The longer the paste stays on the skin, the darker the tattoo will be.

The finished image lasts up to two weeks on the skin. It disappears as your skin exfoliates. The brightest pattern will be in the first two days after application, then it will gradually brighten. Since henna tattoos are often done in the summer, it is better to cover it with a film while bathing so that it retains a bright color for as long as possible. !

Henna tattooing: the nuances of preparation and procedure My default imageHenna tattoos are often offered at various festivals, at sea, during mass celebrations. Just a few minutes – and you will continue your vacation, but with an unusual decoration on your body. But if you want the biotattoo to last as long as possible, it is better to do it in a tattoo parlor or a beauty salon. Before that, consider the following recommendations:

1. Cleanse the skin of any cosmetics and fats – it must be clean. Then the paint will lie better, the drawing will last longer.

2. The longest bio tattoo will last on the palms, stomach, feet, hands. 3. Leave the henna paste for a couple of hours after the procedure. Ideal if the tattoo site does not get wet for about 12 hours.

4. Wear suitable clothing for the procedure. It should not cover the place of the tattoo.

Once a tattoo is done, it will need to be properly cared for. To do this, moisten the tattoo area twice a day with olive oil. Do not use petroleum jelly or products with abrasive particles. It is also best to avoid contact with cold water.

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is it safe Biotat: can such application to the skin be harmful Unlike a regular tattoo, a bio tattoo is applied to the surface of the skin. Therefore, we can assume that there will be no problems with it. However, an allergic reaction is still possible. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, have sensitive skin, then it is better to first make a test sample of the paint: apply it quite a bit on the skin and look at the reaction.

How to saddle a temporary tattoo safely: recognize an allergic reaction to henna in time.

It can appear like this:

My default image• itching or burning;

• blistering; • swelling and redness;

• pulsation sensation;

• hypersensitivity of the tattoo site.

Such a reaction may appear both immediately and 1-2 weeks after application. If this happens, contact your doctor immediately and do not attempt to remove the tattoo yourself.

And if everything went well – and you walked around with a biotattoo for a couple of weeks, then its "remains"

Temporary henna tattoo will help you decide whether to get a permanent tattoo. It will be difficult and painful to withdraw it. Yes, and in place of the picture there will be a gray spot that cannot be completely removed.  Thoughtfully approach the decision to get a tattoo, first of all. And if you just want variety – then a biotattoo will perfectly complement your image!

Read also: Tattoo care in summer: how to prevent skin diseases

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