The cold season is the time for colds, which are especially susceptible to children. Often, caring parents try to cure them with all sorts of "grandmother's methods." We want to talk about two of them, and at the same time find out what speaks in their favor and what does not.

Jar End

According to doctors, banks are relics of the medical past. Pediatricians have practically abandoned their use. The fact is that in most children the vessels are very fragile. Bruises and bruises that remain after this procedure are proof of this. There are also alternative treatments that do not leave visible marks: creams, emulsions, warming ointments and saline heaters.

But we cannot call this method inefficient. Banks delivered by a specialist can save a person from bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia. Their principle of operation is simple: a vacuum is formed under the banks, under which the metabolism in tissues, blood and lymph flow is activated. Also, the recovery process starts in the body.

American taboo

This method raises many questions not only among ordinary people, but also among doctors. Thus, American scientists insist that medical banks do not stop inflammation, but rather provoke its spread. Therefore, the procedure has long been blacklisted in the United States. American doctors believe that if the focus of the disease is localized in the upper section of the bronchi, and the banks are placed lower, then the blood with inflamed cells will be pulled into a healthy area and infect it.

Correct Approach

To avoid the consequences that American scientists are talking about, you need to seek help from a specialist with an accurate diagnosis. He will be able to place the jars in such a way as to avoid bruising and bruising. But still, this applies more to adult treatment. And for children, there are plenty of alternatives.

IMPORTANT! Banks should not be placed in the heart, kidneys and spine. This procedure is contraindicated for children under three years of age.

Compress to help

Another method we have studied is warm compresses. It works according to this principle: a compress is applied to the right place, and it warms up. Due to this, metabolism and blood flow are activated in inflamed tissues.

Often people approach this procedure by creatively using a variety of compresses. The most popular of them are potato, mint, alcohol, wet and even dry. Of course, for all the variety of compresses, there is the same variety of opinions regarding their application and effectiveness.

The most common statements.

Alcohol compresses leave burns. Of course, they can leave burns if you use pure alcohol and put such a compress directly on the skin. If, before this, alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4, then there should be no burns.

Alcohol must be warmed up before use. It is not true. When you dilute alcohol with water, it already heats up due to a chemical reaction. It is absolutely wrong to assume that the effectiveness of the compress is increased by heating. In fact, the body releases much more heat in order to warm a room temperature compress. This way the method itself works even better.

The compress should be left overnight. This statement is also incorrect. The most effective time for a compress comes two to three hours before bedtime. It is at this time that the effect of the compress improves, but there is no point in putting it on for more than three hours.

IMPORTANT! All compresses children need to apply only at least eight layers of gauze.


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